1. Megaloblastic anemia is caused by a deficiency of

2. Which of the following is NOT a function of vitamin C?

3. Folic acid is absorbed primarily in the

4. Pellagra is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

5. Which vitamin is absorbed passively into the jejunum?

6. Another name for vitamin B12 is

7. Another name for vitamin B1 is

8. Beriberi is caused by a deficiency of

9. Absorption of which of the following vitamins is an active process (i.e. requiring energy)?

10. The principle storage site for vitamin A in the body is the

11. Epidemiological studies have shown a strong association between vitamin C supplementation and decreased risk of all of the following disease states EXCEPT

12. Which of the following vitamins is measured in International Units (IU)

13. Preformed vitamin A is found in

14. Thiamin deficiency is associated with

15. Which of the following are good sources of vitamin A?

16. Which of the following is NOT a good source of vitamin C?

17. Spontaneous abortions and birth defects have occurred with the consumption of

18. Which vitamin is a constituent of flavin-adenine dinucleotide (FAD)?

19. What vitamin is part of coenzyme that allows pyruvate to enter the citric acid cycle?

20. Vitamin E is secreted from the liver in

21. Thiamin therapy is used

22. The recommended amount of folic acid during pregnancy is

23. Which vitamin is a constituent part of the enzymes FAD and FMN?

24. Which vitamin has recently been mandated to be added to grain products?

25. Supplemental vitamin E may be beneficial for

26. In order to decrease free radicals vitamin C has the ability to

27. Rickets is caused by a deficiency of

28. Who is the most susceptible to vitamin K deficiency?

29. Which of the following is needed for vitamin D production?

30. 1,25, (OH) 2D is formed in the

31. A precursor to niacin is

32. Intrinsic factor is needed for the absorption of

33. The best source of vitamin B12 is

34. Which vitamin is commonly given intramuscularly by a physician to prevent pernicious anemia?

35. What enzyme is involved in the conversion of propionic to succinic acid?

36. Which of the following is NOT classified as pyridoxine?

37. Which of the following contains vitamin D naturally?

38. Pyridoxine coenzyme pyridoxyl phosphate (PLP) is involved in

39. Which food is NOT a good source of vitamin K?

40. Which of the following is NOT a cause of folic acid deficiency?

41. Good sources of vitamin B6 include all of the following EXCEPT

42. Which vitamin can be synthesized by intestinal bacteria?

43. What is the best source of niacin?

44. Parathyroid hormone

45. Which vitamin is needed for the synthesis of NAD and NADH?

46. IgG bonds readily to the free form of

47. The BEST source of riboflavin is

48. The form of vitamin K that is found in plants is called

49. The natural form of vitamin E is designated

50. Vitamin K is needed for the production of

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