The power to tax and borrow money is also critical. The power to tax goods from other countries brings in a significant amount of revenue to the government. However, this amount of revenue will change as the population of America grows and begins to manufacture its own goods. A nation that provides for its own needs does not import many items and this will reduce the source of revenue from imposts.

The power to establish relations with foreign powers is also placed in the central government. If the United States is to be a nation in any way, it should certainly respect other nations by providing for uniform and well-regulated foreign policies.

The power to conduct foreign relations has been greatly improved because under the Articles of Confederation, all foreign treaties were subject to approval by the states and the Congress only would receive the highest class of foreign ministers, the ambassadors, and ignore the consuls and diplomats that most frequently visit a foreign nation.

The Constitution improves upon the power of the central government to punish piracies and felonies on the high seas because the Articles did not specify how to deal with offenses against the laws of nations.

The Constitution includes a clause that will stop the slave trade in 1808. This is a great advantage of the proposed plan of government because such a barbaric practice should not be part of a modern government. Critics oppose this clause on two grounds. One, that the Constitution openly tolerates an illicit practice and two, that it is included only to prevent emigrations from Europe to America.

The power of the central government to regulate the commerce between states is necessary both to prevent abuses by states that levy imposts against neighboring states, and to prevent smuggling and other forms of illegal trade in response to high state-imposed tariffs. In addition, the power of the central government to regulate foreign commerce would be ineffective without the power to regulate interstate commerce. There are many historical examples demonstrate the need of a supreme authority to regulate the trade within states.

Popular pages: The Federalist Papers (1787-1789)