What were the causes of instability in Eastern Europe during the inter-war years? How do they compare to the causes of instability in Eastern Europe at the end of the twentieth century?

Why did attempts at disarmament between the wars fail?

What were the characteristics of totalitarianism as practiced between the wars? How did totalitarianism differ from the authoritarian governments of past eras?

What arguments may be presented for and against the statement that the Spanish Civil War was a dress rehearsal for World War Two?

Describe the political battle between the Conservative and Labour Parties in Britain during the inter-war years. What evidence is there of Labour's impact on the generally Conservative British government? What factors kept the Labour Party from establishing and maintaining control over the government?

Which was more important for Adolf Hitler's rise to power: his policy goals or the symbolism of the Nazi Party? Explain your answer.

Why were extremist political parties more successful during the inter-war years than they had been before World War One?

Popular pages: The Interwar Years (1919-1938)