April 13, 1743·Born at Shadwell, Albermarle County, Virginia, eldest son to Peter and Jane Randolph Jefferson
1745·Jefferson family moves fifty miles from Shadwell to take up residence at Tuckahoe
1752 ·Jefferson family returns to Shadwell; Jefferson takes up classical languages under care of Scottish Reverend William Douglas
1754·Peter Jefferson accedes to the Virginia House of Burgesses as a representative of Albermarle County
August 17, 1757·Peter Jefferson dies at age forty-nine, leaving young Jefferson as family patriarch
March 1760·Enters College of William and Mary at Williamsburg, Virginia; befriends Patrick Henry
March 1762·Graduates from the College of William and Mary
April 25, 1762·Begins study of law in Williamsburg under George Wythe
1763 · Begins dining in the company of Williamsburg's leading intellectuals
1764 ·Begins to keep a regular reading journal
October 1, 1765 · Eldest sister Jane dies at age twenty-five
May 1766 ·Travels to New York, stopping at Annapolis and Philadelphia en route
February 12, 1767 · Receives first legal fee after handling case in General Court of Virginia
May 18, 1768 ·Begins to clear land for construction of Monticello
April 3, 1769 ·Accedes to House of Burgesses as representative of Albermarle County, like his father before him
May 17, 1769 ·The Baron de Botetourt dissolves the House of Burgesses after growing dissent against royal policies
Summer 1769 ·Begins to focus reading more exclusively on theories of government
February 1, 1770 ·Shadwell estate burns, destroying most of Jefferson's documents and possessions
November 26, 1771 · Moves into temporary quarters at Monticello while new estate is completed
January 1, 1772 · Marries Martha Wayles Skelton
September 27, 1772 ·Eldest daughter Martha Washington Jefferson born at Monticello
March 12, 1773·Earl of Dunmore dissolves the House of Burgesses after Jefferson calls for more autonomous rule
May 16, 1773 ·Dabney Carr dies, leaving six children to the Jefferson family
May 30, 1773 ·John Wayles dies, leaving Jefferson considerable debts, lands, and slaves
October 1773 ·Jefferson appointed surveyor of Albermarle County
April 3, 1774 ·Second daughter Jane Randolph Jefferson born at Monticello
May 26, 1774 ·Earl of Dunmore dissolves House of Burgesses again after further rumblings of protest against colonial rule
June 1, 1774 ·Day of fasting proclaimed throughout Virginia in protest over the terms of the Boston Port Act
July 26, 1774·Jefferson drafts Albermarle Resolutions, specifying format for First Virginia Convention
August 1774·Jefferson publishes A Summary View of the Rights of British America
March 23, 1775 · Patrick Henry delivers "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" speech at Second Virginia Convention
March 29 1775 ·Named alternate to Second Continental Congress
April 19, 1775 ·Revolutionary War begins with Battles of Lexington and Concord
June 8, 1775 ·Earl of Dunmore flees Virginia, throwing British rule there into question
June 11, 1775 ·Jefferson leaves Willamsburg for Philadelphia to attend Second Continental Congress
June 21, 1775 ·Attends first session of Second Continental Congress
June 26, 1775 ·Contributes to adopted resolution "An Address on the Causes of Taking Up Arms"
August 1775 ·Congress adjourns; Jefferson returns to Virginia to attend convention there
August 23, 1775·King George III declares colonies to be in open rebellion against Great Britain
September 1775 ·Second daughter Jane Randolph Jefferson dies at age three
September 26, 1775·Appointed commander of Albermarle militia
September 30, 1775 ·Returns to Philadelphia for re-adjournment of Second Continental Congress
Autumn 1775 ·Loyalist raids on Virginia organized by Earl of Dunmore begin
January 20, 1776 ·Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense
March 31, 1776 ·Mother Jane Randolph Jefferson dies at age fifty-seven
May 14, 1776 ·Returns to Philadelphia after five-month absence
May 15, 1776 ·Congress resolves to form its own government
May 27, 1776 ·Jefferson begins drafting a constitution for the state of Virginia
June 7, 1776 ·Richard Henry Lee introduces resolution to declare independence and form a confederation with foreign alliances
June 11, 1776 ·Jefferson appointed to committee to prepare Declaration of Independence
June 20, 1776 ·Jefferson appointed to another year's term in Congress
June 28, 1776 ·Declaration of Independence presented to Congress
June 29, 1776 · Virginia Convention accepts constitution and forms first state government
July 2, 1776 ·Congress approves resolution to declare independence
July 4, 1776·Congress accepts Declaration of Independence
September 2, 1776 ·Jefferson resigns from Congress due to wife's illness
September 30, 1776 ·Appointed to negotiate diplomatic treaties with France but declines due to wife's illness
November 5, 1776 ·Appointed to revise Virginia's existing laws in committee
May 20, 1776 ·Leaves Virginia Assembly due to wife's illness
May 28, 1776 ·Eldest son born unnamed and dies two weeks later
October 30, 1776 ·Returns to Virginia Assembly
August 1, 1778 ·Third daughter Maria Jefferson born
February 1779 ·Together with James Madison, Edmund Pendleton and George Wythe, Jefferson finishes revisions of Virginia laws
June 1, 1779 · Jefferson elected governor of Virginia
June 1780 ·Befriends young James Monroe
November 3, 1780 ·Fourth daughter Lucy Elizabeth Jefferson born
December 1780 ·Virginia Assembly votes to cede northwestern holdings to United States
January 5, 1781 ·Capture of Benedict Arnold at Richmond
April 15, 1781 ·Lucy Elizabeth Jefferson dies in infancy
June 2, 1781 ·Second term as governor ends, Jefferson steps down from office
June 4, 1781 ·Narrowly escapes capture when British cavalry arrives at Monticello moments after his departure
June 1781 ·Lord Cornwallis occupies and lays waste to one of Jefferson's plantations
June 30, 1781 ·Jefferson falls from a horse and is incapacitated for six weeks
October 19, 1781 ·Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown brings end to fighting in Revolutionary War
December 19, 1781 ·Investigative committee in Virginia Assembly brings charges against Jefferson's record as governor; all accusations defeated and Jefferson cleared; Jefferson announces intention to retire from public life
May 8, 1782 ·Fifth daughter, also named Lucy Elizabeth Jefferson, born
September 6, 1782 ·Jefferson's wife Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson dies at age thirty-three
November 12, 1782 ·Appointed peace commissioner to help negotiate Treaty of Paris
December 19, 1782· Leaves Monticello for Philadelphia in preparation to travel for England; trip later aborted after delayed and then deemed unnecessary
June 6, 1783 ·Jefferson elected to Congress
September 3, 1783 ·Treaty of Paris signed between America and England, officially ending Revolutionary War
March 12, 1784 ·Elected chairman of Congress and effective head of United States Government
April 1784 ·Writes Notes on the Establishment of a Money Unit and Coinage for the United States
May 7, 1784 ·Appointed to serve as foreign minister based in Paris
May-June 1784 ·Tours New England with daughter Martha
June-August 1784 ·Sails for Paris with daughter Martha
August 6, 1784 ·Arrives in Paris
November 17, 1784 ·Youngest daughter, the second Lucy Elizabeth, dies
March 10, 1785 · Jefferson appointed chief minister to France
January 16, 1786 · Virginia Assembly adopts Jefferson's Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom
March 1, 1786 · Jefferson and John Adams make unsuccessful attempt to negotiate trade treaties with England
February-June 1787 ·Makes tour of southern France and northern Italy
July 29, 1787 ·Other remaining daughter, Maria, joins Jefferson and daughter Martha in Paris
October 12, 1787 ·Re-elected minister to France for a three-year term
July 2, 1788·The Constitution of the United States is declared ratified
April 30, 1789 ·George Washington and John Adams inaugurated President and Vice President, respectively, in New York
July 14, 1789 ·Bastille Day; French Revolution begins
September 26, 1789 ·Appointed Secretary of State
October 22, 1789 ·Jefferson departs from Paris for a leave of absence in the United States
November 23, 1789 ·Docks at Norfolk, Virginia and learns of his appointment as Secretary of State
February 23, 1790 ·Daughter Martha married to Thomas Mann Randolph in ceremony at Monticello
March 22, 1790 ·Sworn in as Secretary of State in New York
July 16, 1790 ·With Jefferson's encouragement per the Assumption Plan, President Washington arranges for shift of national capital from New York via Philadelphia to present-day Washington, D.C.
February 1791 ·Debates constitutionality of National Bank with Alexander Hamilton
May 1791 ·Makes tour of Connecticut, New York, and Vermont to drum up political support
December 15, 1791 · Bill of Rights adopted
August 26, 1792 · Washington writes Jefferson and Hamilton in an attempt to reconcile their differences
September 9, 1792 ·Jefferson announces plan to retire at the end of Washington's first term
October 1, 1792 ·Jefferson visits Washington at Mount Vernon
October 20, 1792 ·Washington places control of U.S. mint under Jefferson
January 21, 1793 ·King Louis XVI executed by guillotine
March 4, 1793 ·Washington and Adams re-inaugurated
April 19, 1793 ·Jefferson urges that United States maintain alliance with France in the course of various European wars
December 31, 1793 ·Jefferson formally resigns his position as Secretary of State
January 5, 1794 ·Returns from Philadelphia to Monticello
January 31, 1795 ·Hamilton resigns as Secretary of Treasury
February 1796 ·Jefferson's campaign for President launched by Democratic-Republican supporters including James Madison
September 19, 1796 ·Washington's Farewell Address reprinted
February 9, 1797 ·Loses presidential election narrowly to Adams; named Vice President
March 4, 1797 ·Adams and Jefferson inaugurated at Philadelphia
March 10, 1797 ·Named president of American Philosophical Society
October 13, 1797 ·Youngest daughter Maria married to John Wayles Eppes in ceremony at Monticello
December 12, 1797 ·Returns to Philadelphia after five month absence to preside over Senate
January 8, 1798 ·Eleventh Amendment ratified
April 1798·XYZ Affair erupts
April 1798 ·Jefferson correctly suspects Federalists of tampering with his mail
June 25, 1798 ·Congress passes Alien Act, giving President Adams power to deport any threatening alien
June-December 1798 · Jefferson returns to Monticello for summer and autumn
July 7, 1798 ·Congress repeals 1778 alliance with France
July 14, 1798 ·Congress passes Sedition Act, calling for imprisonment of all dissidents
August 1798 ·Protests held across country against Alien and Sedition Acts
September 1798 ·Jefferson secretly drafts Kentucky Resolutions in protest of Alien and Sedition Acts
November 16, 1798 ·Kentucky legislature passes Jefferson's resolutions
December 21, 1798 ·Madison's more moderate Virginia Resolutions, also in protest of the Alien and Sedition Acts, passed by Virginia Assembly
March-December 1799 ·Jefferson spends nine months at Monticello though continuing in role as Vice President
December 14, 1799 ·Washington dies at Mount Vernon
May 11, 1800 ·Democratic-Republican caucus establishes first national platform and nominates Jefferson and Aaron Burr for President and Vice President, respectively
May-November 1800 ·Returns to Monticello
June 30, 1800 ·Rumors of Jefferson's death spread after false report by Baltimore newspaper
September 30, 1800 ·Convention of 1800 signed in Paris diffuses military tension with France
November 27, 1800 ·Arrives in new capital at Washington, D.C. for first time
December 28, 1800 ·Electoral returns reveal a tie between Burr and Jefferson
January 31, 1801 ·John Marshall named Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
February 11, 1801 ·House of Representatives convenes to break tie between Burr and Jefferson
February 17, 1801 ·Jefferson named President on thirty-sixth ballot
March 4, 1801 ·Jefferson and Burr inaugurated at Washington
May 14, 1801 ·Tripoli declares war on the United States
December 8, 1801 ·Submits first annual message to Congress
February 6, 1802 ·Congress declares war on Tripoli
April 6, 1802 ·All internal taxes abolished
May 2, 1802 ·U.S. Patent Office organized
July 4, 1802 ·U.S. Military Academy opens in West Point, New York
August 1802 ·Morocco declares war on the United States
November 3, 1802 · Jefferson meets with Chief Handsome Lake to discuss native policy
February 24, 1803 ·Supreme Court establishes judicial review in Marbury v Madison
April 30, 1803 ·Robert Livingston and James Monroe secure the purchase of the Louisiana Territory for the United States from France
December 12, 1803 ·Twelfth Amendment proposed to the several states
December 20, 1803 ·The United States takes formal possession of the Louisiana Territory
February 25, 1804 ·Jefferson re-nominated for President
April 17, 1804 ·Maria Jefferson dies at Monticello
May 14, 1804 ·Lewis and Clark begin their exploration of the Louisiana Territory
July 11, 1804 ·Vice President Burr fatally wounds Alexander Hamilton in a duel
November 1804 ·Jefferson re-elected by the several states with George Clinton as new vice presidential candidate
March 4, 1805 ·Re-inaugurated at Washington with Clinton
June 4, 1805 ·Peace treaty with Tripoli signed; treaty with Morocco shortly thereafter ends Barbary Wars
January 17, 1806 ·Jefferson's grandson, James Madison Randolph, born at the White House
March 29, 1806 ·Congress authorizes construction of Cumberland Road to Ohio
April 15, 1806 ·Non-Importation Act prohibits traffic with British manufactures effective November 1806
September 23, 1806 ·Lewis and Clark return to St. Louis after reaching the Pacific coast
November 25, 1806 ·In response to a coup plot by Burr, Jefferson declares martial law in New Orleans
December 6, 1806 ·Non-Importation Act against Britain delayed; enacted six months later
February 1807 ·Burr captured while traveling in disguise in Alabama
July 2, 1807 ·Jefferson bans British ships from American waters after a series of impressments and seizures
October 20, 1807 ·Burr flees to Europe after being acquitted of treason and misdemeanor charges by Chief Justice John Marshall
December 22, 1807 · Jefferson signs Embargo Act, declaring American neutrality and non- engagement in foreign trade
January 1, 1808 ·The importation of slaves to the United States prohibited by law
January 23, 1808 ·Madison nominated to run for President; Clinton re-nominated for Vice President
March 3, 1809 ·In last executive action, Jefferson repeals Embargo and Non-Importation Acts
March 4, 1809 ·Embargo Act repealed; Madison and Clinton inaugurated at Washington
March 11, 1809 ·Jefferson leaves Washington for the final time
June 18, 1812 ·Congress declares war on Great Britain
August 1812 ·Jefferson declines suggestions that he run for President again or become Madison's Secretary of State
November 1812 ·Madison re-elected President with Elbridge Gerry as Vice President
August 25, 1814 ·States views on slavery in letter to Edward Coles
September 21, 1814 ·Jefferson sells thousands of volumes from his personal library to the Library of Congress
December 24, 1814 ·Treaty of Ghent ends War of 1812
November 1816 ·James Monroe elected President with Daniel Tompkins as Vice President
January 1819 ·Virginia Assembly passes bill providing for establishment of University of Virginia
March 29, 1819 ·Jefferson appointed rector, chief executive of the University of Virginia
November 1820 ·Monroe and Tompkins re-elected
October 24, 1823 ·Jefferson writes to Monroe with ideas that are eventually incorporated in the Monroe Doctrine
November 1824 ·John Quincy Adams elected President with John C. Calhoun as Vice President
April 1, 1825 · University of Virginia officially opens
January 20, 1826 ·Jefferson requests special dispensation from Virginia Assembly to sell his property by lottery in order to pay off significant debts
March 16, 1826 ·Jefferson writes his will, providing for manumission of five slaves, including Eston and Madison Hemings
July 4, 1826 ·Dies at Monticello at the age of eighty-three, on the same day as John Adams
January 27, 1827·Jefferson's belongings sold by auction at Monticello

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