1. A key stimulus results in a fixed action pattern through a(n):

2. A female Herring gull has a red spot on her beak. When they see this spot, her chicks will peck at it and the female bird will regurgitate food for the chicks. In this situation, the spot on the female's beak acts as the:

3. A male stickleback fish will normally become aggressive upon seeing the red belly of another male stickleback. These males will become extremely aggressive when they see a large red object. What kind of stimulus is the large red object?

4. After a chemical signal is received by the dendrites of a neuron, it then travels:

5. The receptors involved in sound perception are:

6. The senses of taste and smell use:

7. The property of photoreceptor cells that makes the outer edges of objects appear more distinct is:

8. Steroids bind primarily to:

9. The pituitary gland is a(n):

10. The purpose of the endocrine system is to:

11. An environmental stimulus that can be used to entrain an endogenous clock is called a:

12. An exogenous stimulus comes from:

13. Movement directed toward a light source is called:

14. The yearly migration of Canada geese is an example of a:

15. A sea slug normally responds to being poked by curling up. After being poked repeatedly the slug no longer curls up. This is an example of:

16. Facilitation which takes place through the synthesis of new proteins is:

17. The law of equipotentiality states that:

18. Which of the following is NOT a reason for a species to migrate

19. Mnemotaxis refers to navigation using

20. When wild animals are raised in captivity they often cannot be released back into the wild because they will return to the company of humans. This is because:

21. The process by which young animals learn the characteristics of their opposite-sexed siblings and parent is called:

22. A rat is placed in a maze several times and allowed to find the only source of food, which is always in the same place in the maze. Many more rats are then placed in the maze with the first. The first rat goes straight to the food without exploring the maze, and the other rats follow. Soon all of the rats know where the food is without having to explore the maze itself. What type of learning does this demonstrate?

23. By what mechanism does short term facilitation take place?

24. In classical conditioning, the animal receives no benefit from associating the CS with the UCS. However, in operant conditioning, an unassociated behavior becomes associated with a(n):

25. Pavlov conditioned dogs to salivate upon hearing a ringing bell by repeatedly presenting them with food while ringing a bell. This is an example of:

26. Proximate questions ask:

27. Ultimate questions ask:

28. The three founders of ethology are:

29. Contingency Theory predicts:

30. Marginal Value Theory predicts:

31. Optimality Models are:

32. In a two player, two-strategy game, if the payoff is larger for strategy 2 no matter what the opponent does, it is:

33. In the hawk-dove game, you should always play hawk if:

34. The best strategy in the Prisoner's Dilemma is to cheat when:

35. An individual's fitness is:

36. In a haplodiploid population, r is:

37. In a diploid population, your degree of relatedness to your first cousin is:

38. Sexual reproduction is most likely to be seen in:

39. Which one of the following statements is NOT true? Human males:

40. Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit a female may receive by carefully choosing her mate:

41. Dog growling is an example of how a behavior may become:

42. Costly signals can only be displayed by high quality individuals. This is know as the:

43. Two poisonous species of moths that live in overlapping habitats have a similar coloration. This is an example of:

44. Which of the following are signals intended for conspecifics?

45. Killer bees are more deadly than other bees because:

46. Visual signals are:

47. Chemical signals are:

48. Unlike mammals, birds have:

49. Which of the following is NOT a period in White-crown sparrow song learning?

50. Which of the following is probably true about dialects?

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