Problem : Which of the following cellular components are not shared between plant and animal cells?

  • Mitochondria
  • Nucleus
  • Chloroplasts
  • Vacuoles
  • Cell membrane
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum
  • Golgi apparatus
  • Lysosomes
  • Peroxisomes
  • Cell wall

In the list all structures are shared between plant and animal cells except cholorplasts, vacuoles, and cell wall.

Problem : Why are chloroplasts found in plant cells and not in animal cells?

Plant cells use sunlight for energy. In order to effectively use the light, it must be converted within the cell. Chloroplasts are structures that perform this function. Animal cells do not use this special mechanism for energy and therefore do not need the additional structure.

Problem : What is the name of the process by which plant cells convert sunlight into energy a cell can use for biological functions?


Problem : Which is generally larger, an animal or plant cell?

Plant cells are generally larger than animal cells. They can be as large as 100 micrometers in diameter.

Problem : Vacuoles are most similar to what other organelle found in both plant and animal cells? Why?

Vacuoles are most similar to lysosomes because both have digestive functions in cells. Vacuoles and lysosomes both contain enzymes that can break down unwanted molecules in a cell.