1. Which of the following was not a foundational principle of the Enlightenment?

2. Which event best represented the shift away from monarchial rule?

3. Which of the following most influenced the writings of Comenius and Grotius?

4. Grotius is best known for

5. Hobbes believed that all humans were inherently

6. Which form of government did Hobbes prefer?

7. Which form of government did Locke prefer?

8. With which philosophical movement was Hume associated?

9. King Louis XIV of France died in

10. Which best describes Voltaire’s stance on religion?

11. Montesquieu’s political work was based on the writings of

12. How many volumes did the Encyclopédie ultimately encompass?

13. Which form of government did Rousseau prefer?

14. Romanticism changed the direction of the Enlightenment by emphasizing

15. Which of the following statements best describes the German Enlightenment?

16. How much did religion figure into the German Enlightenment compared to the French Enlightenment?

17. Which choice below has the correct chronological order for the publishing of the listed works?

18. The Sturm und Drang movement took place in

19. Which work is most closely associated with the Sturm und Drang movement?

20. Which scientist is credited with devising an inductive method of discovery?

21. Major strides were made in the field of astronomy thanks primarily to

22. Which of the following is not a reason for the beginning of the Enlightenment?

23. Which of the following sets consists of exclusively English thinkers?

24. Who was overthrown in the Glorious Revolution?

25. Who ascended to throne during the Glorious Revolution?

26. Identify the correct chronological arrangement of these English events:

27. In France, philosophes were predominantly

28. What best describes the focus of Montesquieu’s The Spirit of Laws?

29. Montesquieu later developed the theory that

30. Which of the following did not help disperse the Enlightenment throughout France?

31. What would govern a civilization in Rousseau’s ideal world?

32. Match the author with the correct work:

33. Which group contains only the works of Rousseau?

34. Who was responsible for establishing three laws of motion?

35. Who was responsible for discovering calculus?

36. Who was responsible for combining the schools of algebra and geometry?

37. How did Kant feel about reason?

38. Which of the following lists contains only German notables?

39. All of the following were factors that hindered the German Enlightenment except

40. The main plot device in Faust is

41. What musical period corresponded most closely with the Enlightenment?

42. Which late Baroque composer was known during his life primarily as an organist?

43. What man first proposed the idea of replacing mercantilism with a natural order of trade?

44. Smith’s pivotal economic work was

45. In which field did Beccaria seek reform?

46. Smith believed all of the following about free trade except

47. Which of the following was not a factor in starting the Industrial Revolution?

48. Which of the following was an immediate downside of the Industrial Revolution?

49. All of the following contributed to the end of the Enlightenment except

50. Paine’s Common Sense encouraged

Popular pages: The Enlightenment (1650–1800)