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Original Text

Modern Text

‘By seinte Marie,’ seyde this taverner, ‘The child seith sooth, for he hath slayn this yeer, Henne over a myle, with-in a greet village, Both man and womman, child and hyne, and page. I trowe his habitacioun be there; To been avysed greet wisdom it were, Er that he dide a man a dishonour.’ ‘By seinte Marie,’ seyde this taverner, ‘The child seith sooth, for he hath slayn this yeer, Henne over a myle, with-in a greet village, Both man and womman, child and hyne, and page. I trowe his habitacioun be there; To been avysed greet wisdom it were, Er that he dide a man a dishonour.’
‘Ye, Goddes armes,’ quod this ryotour, ‘Is it swich peril with him for to mete? I shal him seke by wey and eek by strete, I make avow to Goddes digne bones! Herkneth, felawes, we three been al ones; Lat ech of us holde up his hond til other, And ech of us bicomen otheres brother, And we wol sleen this false traytour Deeth; He shal be slayn, which that so many sleeth, By Goddes dignitee, er it be night.’ ‘Ye, Goddes armes,’ quod this ryotour, ‘Is it swich peril with him for to mete? I shal him seke by wey and eek by strete, I make avow to Goddes digne bones! Herkneth, felawes, we three been al ones; Lat ech of us holde up his hond til other, And ech of us bicomen otheres brother, And we wol sleen this false traytour Deeth; He shal be slayn, which that so many sleeth, By Goddes dignitee, er it be night.’
Togidres han thise three her trouthes plight, To live and dyen ech of hem for other, As though he were his owene y-boren brother. And up they sterte al dronken, in this rage, And forth they goon towardes that village, Of which the taverner had spoke biforn, And many a grisly ooth than han they sworn, And Cristes blessed body they to-rente— ‘Deeth shal be deed, if that they may him hente.’ Togidres han thise three her trouthes plight, To live and dyen ech of hem for other, As though he were his owene y-boren brother. And up they sterte al dronken, in this rage, And forth they goon towardes that village, Of which the taverner had spoke biforn, And many a grisly ooth than han they sworn, And Cristes blessed body they to-rente— ‘Deeth shal be deed, if that they may him hente.’

Original Text

Modern Text

‘By seinte Marie,’ seyde this taverner, ‘The child seith sooth, for he hath slayn this yeer, Henne over a myle, with-in a greet village, Both man and womman, child and hyne, and page. I trowe his habitacioun be there; To been avysed greet wisdom it were, Er that he dide a man a dishonour.’ ‘By seinte Marie,’ seyde this taverner, ‘The child seith sooth, for he hath slayn this yeer, Henne over a myle, with-in a greet village, Both man and womman, child and hyne, and page. I trowe his habitacioun be there; To been avysed greet wisdom it were, Er that he dide a man a dishonour.’
‘Ye, Goddes armes,’ quod this ryotour, ‘Is it swich peril with him for to mete? I shal him seke by wey and eek by strete, I make avow to Goddes digne bones! Herkneth, felawes, we three been al ones; Lat ech of us holde up his hond til other, And ech of us bicomen otheres brother, And we wol sleen this false traytour Deeth; He shal be slayn, which that so many sleeth, By Goddes dignitee, er it be night.’ ‘Ye, Goddes armes,’ quod this ryotour, ‘Is it swich peril with him for to mete? I shal him seke by wey and eek by strete, I make avow to Goddes digne bones! Herkneth, felawes, we three been al ones; Lat ech of us holde up his hond til other, And ech of us bicomen otheres brother, And we wol sleen this false traytour Deeth; He shal be slayn, which that so many sleeth, By Goddes dignitee, er it be night.’
Togidres han thise three her trouthes plight, To live and dyen ech of hem for other, As though he were his owene y-boren brother. And up they sterte al dronken, in this rage, And forth they goon towardes that village, Of which the taverner had spoke biforn, And many a grisly ooth than han they sworn, And Cristes blessed body they to-rente— ‘Deeth shal be deed, if that they may him hente.’ Togidres han thise three her trouthes plight, To live and dyen ech of hem for other, As though he were his owene y-boren brother. And up they sterte al dronken, in this rage, And forth they goon towardes that village, Of which the taverner had spoke biforn, And many a grisly ooth than han they sworn, And Cristes blessed body they to-rente— ‘Deeth shal be deed, if that they may him hente.’