Over the course of her story, Daenerys grows from a girl into a woman, and in the process becomes more of a true Targaryen as she becomes increasingly ambitious and vengeful. At the outset Daenerys is motivated only by a desire to go home to the house where she has spent most of her life in exile from Westeros, which she left as an infant. But her experiences as a khalisi (queen) among the Dothrakis give her confidence and make her more commanding and self-assured. At the end of the story, she no longer wishes to return and instead is ready to move on, literally repeating to herself that if she looks back she is lost. She prepares to leave the east and return to Westeros with an army, much as the ancient Targaryens left the Doom of Valyria to conquer Westeros. Daenerys also becomes vengeful. Initially, she fears Viserys and other people who would harm her. At the end of the story, Daenerys swears by every god she can think of that her enemies will die screaming. In the final chapter, Daenerys even embodies the words of House Targaryen, “Fire and Blood.”