Farah is the most important native servant. He is the narrator's closest confidant. He knows as much about the farm as the narrator and is in charge of all of its affairs. Farah is probably the narrator's best friend in Africa, even though she and he belong to different classes and he is her servant. The narrator has no companion who interacts with her as frequently as Farah and she has no one whom she trusts so completely. In a social order that looked down on relationships between native men and white women, Farah's closeness to the narrator, although completely non romantic, was unusual. Farah is a noble figure with virtuous values, even though he is a native. Farah's Somali background makes him a Muslim. Generally speaking, he is an upright, honorable figure who is highly capable and civilized. He particularly is interested in law and business. Farah's devotion to his Muslim religion makes him one of the most upright and noble native figures. He closely maintains his dietary practices and prays during the day. He takes good care of his women, while also shielding them carefully from excessive exposure in society. Farah fits into the narrator's ideal of an aristocratically minded native. In fact, he shares some of her slightly arrogant perspectives because he, like she, looks down on many of the people around him. Farah thinks that the Kikuyu are lazy, for example, because they lack his rigor and discipline. Still while Farah voice occasionally elitist ideas, one still tends to like him. He is a man who can be fully trusted and one who takes good care of his mistress. He sensitively cloaks unhappy news from her. In her final African hours, he wears his grandest clothes as befits a difficult occasion. He is a kind, noble, and diligent figure who earns our respect simply by being a disciplined person.