By the time they were back in Grace on the last evening bus, I was later informed, the Stitch and Bitch Club had already laid plans to come back in ten days with five hundred peacock piñatas. There would only be two deviations from the original plan. First, each piñata would be accompanied by a written history of Grace and its heroic struggle against the Black Mountain Mining Company. To my shock I was elected, in absentia, to write this epic broadside and get it mimeographed at the school

After learning from Codi that Grace could be saved if the water were cleaned up instead of diverted, the women of the town devote themselves to the cause in whatever way they can. They come up with the idea to sell their local craft, peacock piñatas, in Tucson to raise money. Codi and Emelina join the group in Tucson but then stay the weekend while everyone else returns to Grace.

The women's decision to accompany the peacocks with information shows their astute organizing skills. Their plan to make 500 piñatas in ten days is evidence of their tireless devotion. Where the mayor's calls to local newspapers failed, they have found a way to publicize their cause. Codi still thinks of herself as an outsider to Grace, but in the eyes of the others, she has become a member of the community.