Rectitude serves as a transitional figure in the work. Adopting the methods and procedures established by Christine and Reason in Part One, Rectitude strengthens and expands their arguments. She takes Reason’s strong foundation and sturdy walls and adds shape, character, and life to the city in the stories she relates. In doing so, Rectitude serves as a bridge between the earth, or Reason’s foundation, and heaven, the holy realm that Justice will provide access to. Thus, she provides examples of women who have used virtue as a means of paving their way to heaven. She also integrates higher ideals of selfless, Christ-like conduct by introducing stories of women who follow God’s will in their daily lives. Like Christine, Rectitude resides in two realms, living more in heaven than on Earth. But she arrives as a messenger of God’s goodness and a symbol of the radiance and splendor of the heavenly realm in order to inspire and exhort all of humanity to right and just conduct. This intention signals one of the motivations driving Christine de Pizan’s work. Model lives can serve as inspiration not just for women but for men as well, encouraging mutual respect, common courtesy, and proper conduct.