Symbols are objects, characters, figures, and colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.

The Wild Child

The Wild Child, who makes only a brief appearance in Meridian, represents the possibility of pursuing life independently, on one’s own terms. The Wild Child is an iconic figure—Walker does not even give her a name. The residents of the slums surrounding Saxon College know little of this mysterious, almost-feral girl who rummages for food in garbage cans and has not fully acquired language. Meridian ultimately fails to help her and, in fact, plays a role in her death—the Wild Child cannot be tamed, and she died trying to escape that fate. Like the Wild Child, Meridian strips her life of external influences, material goods, and physical comforts as she moves from community to community, registering voters and fighting racism. Both women live on the fringes of society, away from the scrutiny and judgment of mainstream life. Meridian’s great-grandmother, Feather Mae, suggests a similar presence, a free, radical, and unconventional spirit who, after her profound experience in the pit in the serpent mound, renounces all religion not based on physical ecstasy. Later in her life, she took to walking around naked and worshipping the sun. These unique women pursue their lives on their own terms, extolling their fiercely individualistic spirits.

The Tank

The tank sits in the town square in Chicokema, where Meridian is living when the novel opens. Painted white and decorated with red, white, and blue ribbons, it was bought in the 1960s to ward off “outside agitators,” those who advocated the extension of civil rights to all of the town’s residents, including Black people. Positioned near the tank is a statue of a Confederate soldier, whose leg was permanently crushed when the tank was being put into place. This gestures to the fact that the civil rights movement is like a new civil war, one that has come with great force to replace and supersede that earlier conflict. When Truman meets up with Meridian again after a considerable absence, he witnesses her leading the town’s children, forbidden on that day from touring the traveling exhibit, across the square. Men positioned inside the tank move the muzzle and point it directly at her, but she is neither cowed nor deterred. The tank serves as an ironic presence, suggesting that freedom must be defended from those who do not match the tank’s white coloring. It also symbolizes the violence and oppression that marked not only the history of slavery but the civil rights movement as well.

The Sojourner

The Sojourner is the name given to the largest magnolia tree in the country, which grows in the quadrangle of Saxon College. It is associated with Louvinie, a slave on the plantation whose property would eventually be turned into Saxon College. Louvinie buries her tongue, cut out in punishment for unintentionally causing the death of one of the Saxon children, beneath a scrawny magnolia tree, which eventually grows into the renowned, towering giant. Thus, the magnolia serves as a living reminder of the past, of growth in the face of oppression and the millions of slaves who were silenced, their tongues metaphorically removed, by the institution of slavery. The tree also serves as a source of comfort for the lonely Meridian, who initially has trouble adjusting to college life. At one point, Meridian even chains herself to it to prevent its removal, a task at which she ultimately fails. When the students, in revolt, chop down the tree, the Sojourner’s symbolic import changes. Now its destruction represents an abrupt breaking with the past and the racist traditions that marked it.

The Sacred Serpent Mound

Like the Sojourner, the serpent mound—and the deep mysterious pit contained in the coil of its tail—is a powerful connection to the past. The ancient mound, built by the region’s original Native American inhabitants, is located on a patch of land behind the Hill home. It is a reminder of the need to study, honor, and learn from the past. Meridian’s father has a spiritual connection to the lives of people buried there, and he honors the native presence that preceded his own as tenants of the land. The mound, to him, symbolizes the interconnectedness and the universality of human experience. It helps him to contextualize and better understand the Black experience by signifying the lives of another marginalized people who were forever altered by a racist white power base. However, just as the land was taken from the Cherokee, Meridian’s father is similarly forced to give up ownership of the parcel. Thus, also like the Sojourner, the mound’s symbolic meaning and significance change when the area is taken over by the government and turned into a historical park that initially bars Black individuals from entering. What had once been a powerful connection to the past becomes a radical disconnection from it, as the site is exploited and its deep spiritual, cultural, and historical significance is trivialized and commercialized.