1 of 26
Gabilan is sick with:

2 of 26
How old is Jody at the start of the novel?

3 of 26
The Cypress tree represents what?

4 of 26
Which of the following foreshadows Gabilan's death?

5 of 26
Which of the following is false?

6 of 26
Gitano arrives at the ranch because

7 of 26
Which character most resents Gitano?

8 of 26
The "nameless sorrow" that grips Jody at the end of the second story is most closely connected to which of the following?

9 of 26
Billy Buck makes a rope out of

10 of 26
Billy Buck is closest in age to

11 of 26
Carl Tiflin

12 of 26
Where did John Steinbeck set his most famous novels?

13 of 26
What is a paisano?

14 of 26
Jody fantasizes that his colt will be

15 of 26

16 of 26
Jody's colt is

17 of 26
Nellie is

18 of 26
Jody looks forward to beating mice out of the haystack with

19 of 26
Jody's grandfather lives

20 of 26
Jody feels sorry for his grandfather, so he offers

21 of 26
Carl Tiflin resents Jody's grandfather because

22 of 26
Steinbeck's style is

23 of 26
Jody tells his grandfather that

24 of 26
Jody's grandfather always talks about

25 of 26
Jody's father and mother argue about

26 of 26
Billy Buck's feelings are hurt when