There was indeed one thing for which I wished to tarry a little in this life, and that was that I might see you a Catholic Christian before I died. My god has answered this more than abundantly.

I continued to reflect on these things, and you were with me. I sighed, and you heard me. I vacillated, and you guided me. I roamed in the broad way of the world, and you did not desert me.

I delayed my conversion to the lord; I postponed from day to day the life in you, but I could not postpone the daily death in myself.

Context for Book 6 Quotes

In his account of these early times in Milan in Book 6, Augustine spends most of his time addressing disparate events and discussions that occurred in his circle of friends and family. One feels he is clearing aside details and setting the scene before launching into an account of his final steps toward conversion in Books 7 and 8. A number of issues are raised and briefly discussed, most importantly those of marriage and the good life.