What are the main characteristics of Hegel's three major types of written history?

List the three major characteristics of Reason according to Hegel, and give a brief account of their relationship to each other.

List the three major abstract characteristics of Spirit, and give a brief account of their relationship.

How is Spirit like a seed?

What are the "means" of Spirit?

What is a "world-historical individual"? Give an example and explain why that example counts in Hegelian terms.

What is the difference between the social contract (or "negative freedom") model of the State and Hegel's own model of it?

What is the importance of religion for the State, in Hegel's view?

How does Hegel account for "development" and progress in history, in contrast to the stable state of "nature"?

What does Hegel mean by "dialectic" with regard to Spirit?

Why is Hegel so wary of "mere formalism"?

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