Vicente Menchú is perhaps the most influential person in Rigoberta’s life. Despite a checkered past that includes orphanhood, a stint in the Guatemalan military, and occasional bouts of alcoholism, Rigoberta’s father is a leader in his village. To Rigoberta and, indeed, many Indians, he is larger than life, an embodiment of strength, solidarity, and courage. Early in Rigoberta’s life, he takes her to Guatemala City and leads her through the streets of the capital, giving her a first glimpse of the Guatemalan government in action at the INTA (the Guatemalan National Institute for Agrarian Transformation). Though frequently absent from the Altiplano, Rigoberta’s father stays tied to his roots, routinely reminding Rigoberta not to forget about her ancestors. He also underscores the necessity for resistance as a form of preserving cultural identity.