
I, Rigoberta Menchú is a testimonial memoir.

Point of View

Rigoberta Menchú, who is both the protagonist and The narrator, speaks in both plural first person and first person. This fluctuates, based on the events being described. The narrative remains with Rigoberta, although she describes events she could not witness with panoramic detail. As a narrator, Rigoberta represents a highly subjective, limited view of the other characters.


The tone of the memoir confessional, sentimental, and explanatory.


I, Rigoberta Menchú is mainly told in the past tense, but it switches to the present tense when describing traditions.

Setting (Time & Place)

The memoir is takes place between 1959–1982 and takes place mainly in the mountains and coast of Guatemala, Guatemala City, and Mexico.

Major Conflict

Various Indian tribes, including the Quiches, of which Rigoberta is a member, are repeatedly exploited by the Spanish-speaking ladino population of Guatemala until they begin defending themselves in a movement led by Rigoberta and her family. Rigoberta’s determination to pursue knowledge goes against some of the conventions of her people and limitations placed on her because of her gender. Rigoberta struggles to stand up for herself and her people.

Rising Action

When ladino landowners begin to stake their claim on the Altiplano, where Rigoberta and her people live, the native people refuse to give up their land and begin defending their territory using makeshift weapons and traps. Rigoberta is empowered by her experience working as a maid in Guatemala City.


The capture and burning of Rigoberta’s brother, Petrocinio, fortifies Rigoberta’s family’s fight against the Guatemalans, causing Rigoberta’s father to organize the storming of the capital, which results in his death and the persecution of Rigoberta and her family.

Falling Action

After the murders of her parents, Rigoberta views being an activist as her calling in life. She renounces marriage and embraces her work as a revolutionary in Guatemala and abroad.


The death of Nicolas, Rigoberta’s younger brother, at the finca stirs a well of anger within Rigoberta, sparking a desire to rebel, which foreshadows the rebellion that takes place within the Indian community after Rigoberta and her family witness the burning of Petrocinio, another of Rigoberta’s younger brothers

Rigoberta’s first visit to Guatemala City, which is both frightening and instructive, foreshadows her experience there as a maid, when she is again scared but enlightened.

Rigoberta’s negative feelings toward the landowner on the finca mimic the feelings she holds toward the mistress when she becomes that landowner’s maid a few years later.