Act I

Scene i

A storm threatens to destroy a ship carrying Alonso, King of Naples, his brother Sebastian, his son Ferdinand, Antonio, Gonzalo, and others. The nobles argue with the Boatswain, who tries to keep the ship afloat.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act I, Scene i.

Scene ii

As Prospero and Miranda watch the shipwreck from the island, Prospero explains Miranda's history. Prospero reveals that he created the storm with his magic. Prince Ferdinand and Miranda fall in love at first sight, and Prospero imprisons Ferdinand.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act I, Scene ii (Part 1).

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act I, Scene ii (Part 2).

Act II

Scene i

Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, and Gonzalo search for Prince Ferdinand. Antonio nearly convinces Sebastian to kill Alonso and take the throne, but Ariel thwarts them by waking Gonzalo.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act II, Scene i.

Scene ii

Caliban hides from Trinculo under his coat, thinking he is a spirit, but Trinculo joins him. Stephano sees the men's legs and mistakes them for a monster until he recognizes Trinculo's voice.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act II, Scene ii.


Scene i

Miranda speaks to Ferdinand as he works as Prospero's servant, and then he accepts her proposal of marriage. Prospero secretly watches and approves.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act III, Scene i.

Scene ii

Drunkenly, Caliban plots with Trinculo and Stephano to kill Prospero and make Stephano king of the island. Ariel whispers that Caliban is a liar.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act III, Scene ii.

Scene iii

Spirits bring a banquet to Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, and Gonzalo, but Ariel and an invisible Prospero interrupt them to explain that as punishment for driving out Prospero and Miranda, Fate has killed Ferdinand.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act III, Scene iii.

Act IV

Scene i

At Prospero's wish, Ariel summons spirits to perform a play in honor of Ferdinand and Miranda's upcoming marriage. Prospero remembers that Caliban will soon try to kill him.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act IV, Scene i.

Act V

Scene i

Ariel brings Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, and Gonzalo to Prospero, and Prospero forgives them and shows Alonso that Ferdinand is alive. He doesn't punish Caliban, Trinculo, and Stephano, and plans to sail with everyone to Naples for the wedding, and then to Milan.


Speaking to the audience, Prospero describes losing his magic, and asks the audience to release him from the stage by applauding.

Read a full Summary & Analysis of Act V, Scene i & Epilogue.