1. Joseph McCarthy’s political influence waned after

In both the 1950s and 1960s, national income approximately

3. What did the Montgomery G.I. Bill do?

4. America’s postwar economic prosperity was the result of all of the following except

5. Truman fired General MacArthur for

6. What was the Marshall Plan intended to do?

Why did Truman ignore his advisors and officially recognize Israel as a new and independent nation in 1948?

8. The imaginary line of secrecy and mistrust that separated the USSR and Eastern Europe from the West was known as

9. The United States and the USSR distrusted each other after World War II for all of the following reasons except

For which disease did Jonas Salk discover a vaccine in 1954?

11. Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, set in seventeenth-century New England, was actually a critique of

12. How did the Taft-Hartley Act hurt organized labor?

13. In which U.S. presidential election did television first play a major role?

14. Kennedy’s doctrine of “flexible response”

15. At which parallel did delegates at the Geneva Conference divide North and South Vietnam?

The Soviet Union’s brutal response to the 1956 Hungarian Revolution demonstrated the ineffectiveness of the U.S. strategy of

The CIA orchestrated a coup against the government of Iran and restored the pro-American ruler in 1953 because of

Why did Great Britain, France, and Israel launch a surprise attack on Egypt in 1956?

19. Eisenhower cut many federally funded government programs in order to curb what he called

The fall of the French garrison at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 prompted

21. The United States tried unsuccessfully to unite pro-U.S. Southeast Asia together under

22. Which Kennedy initiative hoped to thwart Communist insurgents in Latin America by reducing income inequality in the region?

23. All of the following were consequences of the Cuban missile crisis except

24. The United States and the USSR came closest to nuclear war during the

25. What did Kennedy’s New Frontier program seek to do?

26. The belief that the United States had to prevent the USSR from expanding and Communism from spreading was known as

In which country or countries was the Truman Doctrine first put to the test in 1947?

28. Why did the USSR vehemently oppose the Marshall Plan?

NSC-68 proposed that the U.S. government should

30. Why did Truman veto the McCarran Internal Security Bill?

31. What did Republicans in the House of Representatives create in order to hunt for Communist spies?

Future president Richard Nixon became nationally prominent in the late 1940s when he

The Red hunt and McCarthyism in the early 1950s were prompted by all of the following except

34. Why was NATO created?

35. The Warsaw Pact was signed

What did the National Security Act of 1947 do?

37. Who said, “It must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures”?

38. The Soviet satellite Sputnik I scared Americans because they feared that the USSR

What incident ruined the 1960 Paris summit between Eisenhower and Khrushchev?

40. The collapse of Ngo Dinh Diem’s regime in South Vietnam prompted Kennedy to

The leader of nationalist, Communist forces in Vietnam in the 1950s was

42. The Eisenhower Doctrine was aimed at bolstering key nations from Communist insurgents in

43. What did the Eisenhower Doctrine demonstrate?

Why did Great Britain and France halt their attack on Egypt in 1956?

45. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

46. Truman’s liberal domestic policies were collectively known as the

47. Along with the United States and Great Britain, all of the following nations were given permanent seats on the powerful United Nations Security Council except

48. Who constituted the bulk of the Bay of Pigs invasion force?

49. Cuban leader Fidel Castro allowed the USSR to place nuclear missiles in Cuba after

50. The Cold War was fought between the United States and

Popular pages: The Cold War (1945–1963)