The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress is a science fiction novel by Robert Heinlein and published in 1966. Set in 2075, the novel follows the events of a rebellion and eventual revolution that takes place at the human penal colony on the moon. The story is narrated by a computer technician-Mannie-who discovers that the moon colony's central computer has gained self-awareness. The novel fully explores the various political, social, and military aspects of an earth-moon conflict, but, like much of Heinlein's writing, the novel is also a vehicle for the exploration of Heinlein's own philosophies. Discussions and descriptions of polygamy, the role of law in society, and frontier libertarianism are as significant to the makeup of the novel as plot and characters. Along with Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke, Heinlein is recognized as one of the authors responsible for bringing science fiction into mainstream culture. The novel won a Hugo Award for best science fiction novel in 1967.


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