1 of 25
What is Utterson’s profession?

2 of 25
With whom does Utterson take a weekly walk?

3 of 25
What did Enfield see Hyde do late one night?

4 of 25
Whom does Jekyll’s will initially specify as his heir?

5 of 25
Why has Lanyon and Jekyll’s friendship cooled?

6 of 25
How does Utterson first meet Hyde?

7 of 25
How do the characters in the novel describe Hyde?

8 of 25
When Utterson tells Jekyll that he has “been learning something of young Hyde," how does Jekyll respond?

9 of 25
What does a servant girl witness from a window?

10 of 25
Who leads the police to Hyde’s home?

11 of 25
What is Poole’s position?

12 of 25
What happens to Hyde after the Carew murder?

13 of 25
What happens to Jekyll after the Carew murder?

14 of 25
What does Mr. Guest tell Utterson about the handwriting on the letter from Hyde?

15 of 25
What does Lanyon give Utterson before he dies?

16 of 25
In the weeks following his dinner party, what happens to Jekyll?

17 of 25
Where do Enfield and Utterson see Jekyll one day during his seclusion?

18 of 25
Who summons Utterson to Jekyll’s house near the end of the novel?

19 of 25
Why do the servants think that the man in the laboratory is not Jekyll?

20 of 25
Who does Utterson find in the laboratory after breaking down the door?

21 of 25
What horrifying event does Lanyon write about having witnessed?

22 of 25
Who is Hyde?

23 of 25
What brings Hyde into being?

24 of 25
Initially, why does Jekyll turn himself into Hyde?

25 of 25
How does Jekyll deal with Hyde in the end?