One of the first to arrive in the Glade, Alby is the oldest resident and leader of the Gladers. His experience and deep commitment to order keep the Glade running smoothly, though this dedication often feeds the perception that he is harsh or mean. Alby displays the importance of order at all costs when he launches an arrow at Ben and carries out Ben’s Banishment for his attack on Thomas. Even his physical appearance, with his short, cropped hair and clean-shaven face, reflect his need for order. In spite of his reliance on order, Alby takes the other boys’ viewpoints into account when they differ from his own. Alby’s occasional vulnerability and breakthrough jokes show that he maintains his humanity despite the seriousness of his role. When order breaks down and Alby undergoes the Changing, he finally displays fear, and his attempt to destroy the maps is an act of protection rather than true sabotage. His offer to step down from his leadership role further establishes that Alby values the group’s safety over his own power. As he sacrifices himself to the Grievers, Alby demonstrates both the depth of his commitment to the Gladers and his unwillingness to return to a world without order.