"The Rocking Horse Winner" is a short story by D.H. Lawrence. It was originally published in Harper's Bazaar magazine in 1926, and subsequently included in the first volume of Lawrence's collected short stories. "The Rocking Horse Winner" tells the story of a little boy who seeks to relieve his family's financial worries by accurately predicting the outcome of horse races, a feat he achieves by riding his toy rocking horse for hours until he reaches a clairvoyant state. The story is typical of Lawrence's work in exploring how modern materialism can become a corrupting influence; the money anxieties of the family in "The Rocking Horse Winner" may also be a reflection of Lawrence's own early life as the child of struggling working-class parents, which provided fodder for many of his early works. "The Rocking Horse Winner" has since become one of Lawrence's better-known stories and was adapted into a feature-length film in 1949.


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