Spunk Banks 

The title character, a bold and cocksure man. Tall and strong, Spunk takes on dangerous tasks at the sawmill with casual confidence. He is equally confident in publicly displaying his relationship with Lena, who is Joe Kanty’s wife.

Read an in-depth analysis of Spunk Banks.

Lena Kanty

A small, pretty woman who is married to Joe Kanty but in love with Spunk. 

Read an in-depth analysis of Lena Kanty.

Joe Kanty

Lena’s husband. A timid man who feels pushed to confront Spunk over his courtship of Lena. 

Read an in-depth analysis of Joe Kanty.

Elijah Mosley

The leader of the loungers at the store. Elijah enjoys provoking Joe over Lena and Spunk’s relationship. 

Walter Thomas

A lounger at the store. 

Tes’ Miller 

A man killed in front of Spunk in an accident at the sawmill before the action of the story. 

Ike Clarke 

The keeper of the village’s general store, where the loungers gather to talk. 

Jeff Kanty 

Joe’s father, who is afraid of Spunk in life and triumphant at his death.