1. The theory that states that all forms of life were created about 6000 years ago in the forms they hold now is:

2. Count George-Louis Leclerc de Buffon said that species:

3. Which of the following was NOT supported by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck?

4. According to Lamarck, traits, such as large muscles, that are acquired over an individual's lifetime:

5. Which of the following is used as evidence to support creationism?

6. According to Darwin, what caused species to change over time?

7. Which of the following was NOT a part of Darwin's theory of evolution?

8. Darwin believed that evolution took place:

9. The book in which Darwin first outlined his theory of evolution was titled:

10. According to Darwin, the species found on earth today:

11. The variability among individuals of a species noticed by Darwin is a result of:

12. The fossil record:

13. Advances in which field were instrumental in making Darwin's theory of evolution widely accepted?

14. Alleles that are harmful in homozygotes and helpful in heterozygotes convey a:

15. An individual's fitness is

16. An area cladogram shows:

17. The species richness model predicts that:

18. Traits that perform a similar function but arise from different ancestral traits are called:

19. A good molecular clock:

20. Fossils can tell us:

21. Two ways in which sexual selection can take place are:

22. The breeding of dogs by humans to have a particular coat color is an example

23. A population of giraffes lives in an area where the only food grows on high tree branches. Over many generations, these giraffes develop long necks to reach the branches. This is an example of:

24. A natural population of plants has greatly varying flower height. Over many generations more and more plants have flowers of medium height, while there are very few with very short or very tall flowers. What type of selection has acted here?

25. The elaborate tail plumage of peacocks was developed through what type of selection?

26. A population of snails lives near a large factory. Close to the factory, the ground and air are several degrees warmer due to hot air exhausted from the building. Because of this, snails that live near the building breed in early May while those farther away from the building do not breed until June. What type of speciation is this?

27. Which of the following accounts for the great number of species we see on earth in the past and today?

28. Sympatric speciation occurs when:

29. Today, the term species is defined as:

30. The creation of several new species from a single parent species is called:

31. When great distance or a physical barrier prevents to populations from interbreeding, they are experiencing what kind of reproductive isolation?

32. A physical barrier that arises within a population and divides that population is called a

33. Which of the following is NOT a problem commonly found in hybrid offspring?

34. Reproductive isolation can take place:

35. Populations whose genitalia are morphologically different and incompatible are:

36. A population at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium:

37. The frequency of an allele in a population is found by

38. Which of the following is NOT a condition of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

39. If two alleles have frequencies of 0.8 and 0.2 in a population at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what percentage of offspring will be heterozygous?

40. If selection occurs, what can you always expect to happen to the allelic frequencies within a populations?

41. Which of the following is not a pattern of evolution?

42. The evolution of two species to be better adapted to each other is called:

43. Why does convergent evolution make it difficult to identify related species by morphological characteristics?

44. Species that live in the same area and play the same role in the habitat are like to experience which kind of evolution?

45. The rapid evolution of offense and defense in predator-prey relationships is called a:

46. The earth has experienced how many mass extinctions?

47. In which of the following periods did a mass extinction take place?

48. According to the fossil record, how long ago did life appear on earth?

49. During which period did the dinosaurs become extinct?

50. Eukaryotes first appear in the fossil record how long ago?

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