1. The bond between a phosphate group and the ribose sugar group in RNA is called which of the following?

2. Which of the following is does not play a role in DNA replication?

3. Splicing is the process that does which of the following?

4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of eukaryotic DNA transcription?

5. Which of the following codons cannot be recognized by a tRNA molecule?

6. What is the rate of DNA translation?

7. Which of the following is not a common hydrogen bond acceptor?

8. During DNA replication, the 3' –OH of the growing DNA chain attacks which phosphate of an incoming nucleotide?

9. The ideal spacing between the –10 and –35 regions of a prokaryotic promoter is:

10. The 5' capping process creates what type of linkage?

11. Codons that code for the same amino acid are called:

12. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a tRNA molecule?

13. Adenine and guanine are examples of what class of nitrogen base?

14. What is the rate of mammalian DNA replication?

15. What signals the end of transcription?

16. What is the function of the poly A tail?

17. Which of the following is not a name for newly synthesized eukaryotic RNA?

18. The start codon is:

19. How do the large and small subunits of a ribosome come together during translation?

20. Which of the following is not a component of a nucleotide?

21. What is the rate of mutation per round of DNA replication?

22. Which of the subunits of RNA polymerase holoenzyme is responsible for promoter recognition?

23. Which of the following is an example of a missense mutation?

24. The structure of tRNA resembles a(n):

25. Which of the following is not a DNA base?

26. What provides the energy that drives the addition of nucleotides to a growing DNA chain during replication?

27. Which of the following is the sequence of the –10 region of prokaryotic promoters?

28. What is the name of the molecule that is added to the 5' end of eukaryotic RNA transcripts?

29. According to the wobble hypothesis, a U in the 5' position of the anitcodon can pair with:

30. What is the name of the enzyme responsible for helping charge tRNA molecules?

31. Which of the following is not an RNA base?

32. The strand on which DNA replication is continuous is called the:

33. Which of the following is not characteristic of prokaryotic terminators?

34. What is the sequence recognized by poly (A) polymerase?

35. What is the name of a mutation that changes the reading frame of an RNA molecule?

36. The 3' end of a tRNA molecule contains which of the following sequences?

37. What is the name of the bond that links the nitrogen base and the ribose sugar in a nucleotide?

38. What is the enzyme responsible for stitching together Okazaki fragments?

39. Which of the following sequences is not typical of a eukaryotic polymerase II promoter?

40. How many base pairs make up a codon?

41. How many amino acids are there?

42. What is the name of the proteins that catalyze the release of the peptide chain at translationtermination?

43. How many hydrogen bonds are formed between one A:T base pair?

44. What is the name of the enzyme responsible for unwinding helical DNA for replication?

45. Which of the following is not involved in the splicing reaction?

46. Between which phosphate groups is the linkage between the GTP molecule and RNA chain in the 5' cap?

47. How many nucleotides specify an amino acid?

48. What links codons and anti-codons together during DNA translation?

49. Which of the following is not a source of DNA damage?

50. At which position on the ribose ring is the base group attached to the nitrogen base group?

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