Another thing that she is thinking is this: she is going to die. Antigone is young. She would much rather live than die. But there is no help for it. When your name is Antigone, there is only one part you can play; and she will have to play hers through to the end.

The Chorus delivers this line in the opening moments of the play, and they emphasize the idea that fate is the driving force behind tragedy. Antigone is completely powerless to change the course of events about to unfold because circumstances beyond her control have put her in the position of a tragic hero. By emphasizing this outcome at the beginning of the play, Anouilh is able to draw attention to how Antigone meets her end rather than what the ending is.  

In a tragedy, nothing is in doubt and everyone's destiny is known. That makes for tranquility. There is a sort of fellow-feeling among characters in a tragedy: he who kills is as innocent as he who gets killed; it's all a matter of what part you are playing. Tragedy is restful; and the reason is that hope, that foul, deceitful thing, has no part in it. There isn't any hope. You're trapped. The whole sky has fallen on you, and all you can do about it is to shout.

This line, which appears in the Chorus’s monologue midway through the play, offers a seemingly paradoxical assessment of the nature of tragedy. Regardless of how horrifying or sorrowful a tragedy may be, the Chorus suggests that it is inherently peaceful. This sense of ease comes from the apparent fatefulness of these scenarios as struggling against them is completely futile. While she is not necessarily aware that she is fated to be a tragic heroine, Antigone seems to recognize that she has no hope of achieving her goal without sacrifice.

Antigone had hanged herself by the cord of her robe, by the red and golden twisted cord of her robe. The cord was round her neck like a child's collar. Haemon was on his knees, holding her in his arms and moaning, his face buried in her robe.

This line comes from the Messengers monologue near the end of the play, a speech in which he delivers the news of Antigone’s death to both the Chorus and the audience. The specific details of Antigone’s death work to make the play’s conclusion even more tragic as they remind the audience that she is still a young girl. Antigone also fulfills her role in the play by taking her own life rather than allowing Creon to kill her directly, and this choice emphasizes that she has accepted the inevitability of her fate.