Shawn is an extremely religious man who seems almost obsessively concerned with being in favor with the local priest, Father Reilly. When his fiancée Pegeen reveals she’s afraid to be alone in the pub all night and asks him to stay with her to keep her safe, Shawn refuses, insisting that this would disappoint Father Reilly. When Christy arrives at the pub, Shawn alone feels concerned that Christy has killed a man and doesn’t view Christy as a hero, as the others do. However, as Christy gains the villagers’ approval and admiration, Shawn’s focus turns to fear that Pegeen will choose Christy over him. Shawn doesn’t fight for Pegeen or try to convince her to keep her promise to marry him. Instead, he secretly tries to bribe Christy, and when that doesn’t work, he gets Widow Quin to agree to marry Christy herself. Shawn’s cowardice, strict religious views, and lack of eloquence put him in stark contrast with how Christy presents himself. When Christy leaves, Shawn incorrectly assumes that Pegeen will marry him as originally planned. Shawn represents the traditional way of doing things, a way of living that Pegeen has discovered she wants no part of.