Sara Saedi

The author of the book and also its protagonist. Born in Iran, Sara immigrated to the United States as a young child. She grapples with her Persian and American identities throughout the book. She has a strong work ethic and is very close with her family.

Ali Saedi (Baba)

Sara’s father. A devoted husband and father, he balances protecting his family with allowing his daughters to experience freedoms they would be denied in Iran. Because he is an undocumented immigrant, he cannot work as an engineer and instead runs a luggage business with his wife.

Shohreh Saedi (Maman)

Sara’s mother. She is beautiful and intelligent, and her main priorities are her children’s education and her loving marriage. Her calm and open approach to raising her children makes her a trusted source of support for Sara throughout the book.

Samira Saedi (Sami)

Sara’s older sister. Samira is beautiful, confident, and popular at school. Although she and Sara fight frequently in their younger years, they grow closer during their teenage years and are protective of and loyal to one another.

Kia Saedi

Sara’s younger brother. Eight years her junior, Kia is a natural-born American citizen. Thanks to Sara, he grows up to be romantic and sensitive.

Dayee Mehrdad Sanjideh

Sara’s maternal uncle. Dayee Mehrdad is sophisticated, generous, and devoted to keeping the extended family’s bonds strong.

Aunt Geneva

The beautiful American wife of Dayee Mehrdad.

Izzy McConnell

Sara’s best friend. Izzy is artistic and loves fashion.

Evan Parker

Sara’s primary high school crush, an artistic pot smoker who writes poetry.


A cousin who lives with Sara. Neda is maternal and kind, with a reputation as the “good girl” of the cousins.


A cousin and Neda’s best friend. Mitra is Neda’s opposite, cool and rebellious.

Maman Farideh (Mamami)

Sara’s paternal grandmother. Independent and stubborn, Mamani is a strict Muslim but is curious about other religions. She loves to walk around and explore the world.

Mansoureh Naficy (Maman Soury)

Sara’s maternal grandmother. She is intelligent and passionate, a heavy smoker who loves Wheel of Fortune.


Sara’s high school boyfriend. He is kind and thoughtful and loves death metal.

Khaleh Mandana

A nurse and a maternal aunt of Sara’s, with whom she feels a special bond.

Dayee Shahrdad

The protective older brother of Sara’s mother.


A cousin who smokes pot with Sara and Samira.

Gideon Wright

A boy Sara has a crush on, who makes fun of her unibrow.