Grace Foster

The novel’s 17-year-old protagonist who starts school at Katmere Academy in Alaska following her parents' death. There, she uncovers a world of supernatural beings and some surprising facts about her own destiny. Grace is stubborn, artistic, motivated by love and friendship, and insatiably curious. She loves the color purple, cherry pop-tarts and the band One Direction. She begins the novel believing that she’s a human, but eventually comes to discover that there is more to her identity.  

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Jaxon Vega

Grace’s love interest, and heir to the Vampire Kingdom., Jaxon is charismatic and complex. He’s a telepath, and causes seismic disturbances when he’s feeling strong emotions. He’s also moody and difficult, struggling with the responsibilities of his royal lineage, his grief over his brother’s death, and his deepening relationship with Grace. 

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Hudson Vega

Jaxon's powerful, ambitious and malicious older brother. Initially believed to have been killed by Jaxon, Hudson has the ability to control people with his supernatural abilities and was planning to stage a coup that would make vampires the rulers of all races mortal and supernatural. His presumed death at Jaxon’s hands deeply affects the dynamics at Katmere Academy, and is the driving force behind many of the novel’s later dramatic twists.   

Read an in-depth analysis of Hudson Vega

Macy Foster

A witch and Grace's cousin. Macy helps Grace navigate the intricacies of life at Katmere Academy and becomes a close ally and friend. Macy is quite literally a colorful character: she has rainbow-colored hair, loves pop music, and is fiercely loyal to her family. 

Flint Montgomery

A dragon shifter and Prince of the Dragon Court., Flint is handsome, intelligent and well-liked at Katmere. He seems like a loyal friend and ally to Grace, but actually has less savory intentions than would appear. He is revealed late in the novel to have been trying to kill Grace before Lia could sacrifice her, although it’s implied that he only did so out of necessity. 

Lia Tanaka

A vampire, and Hudson Vega’s former girlfriend. Lia is originally from Tokyo, Japan. She pretends to be friends with Grace while scheming to sacrifice her in a ritual to resurrect Hudson. Lia is beautiful, popular and absolutely psychotically focused on getting revenge on Jaxon. 

Uncle Finn

Grace's uncle, Macy’s father and the headmaster of Katmere Academy. Uncle Finn is a guiding figure in Grace’s life and plays a pivotal role in managing the academy's diverse supernatural community. He is kind, intelligent, and emotionally awkward. 


A vampire, friend of Jaxon’s, and member of the Order. He likes to tease Grace about Jaxon, and vice versa. 


A vampire, friend of Jaxon’s, and member of the Order. He tends to end conversations by saying things that are inappropriately depressing. 


A vampire, member of The Order, and friend of Jaxon’s. 


A vampire and friend of Jaxon’s. 

Dr. Veracruz

A faculty member at Katmere Academy who teaches Biology of Ancient Creatures. Dr. Veracruz offers insights into Grace’s gargoyle transformation in the last chapter. 

Amka Royce

The librarian at Katmere Academy., Amka is a witch who can control the elements, and she’s highly knowledgeable about the history of the paranormal world. . 


A friendly and irreverent pilot who transports Grace to Alaska


Macy's boyfriend. 

Marc and Quinn

Wolf shifters who attack and threaten Grace. 


A nurse in the infirmary at Katmere Academy 


A vampire with healing powers, and a member of the medical staff at the Katmere Academy infirmary. 

Delilah Vega

Jaxon’s mother and Queen of the Vampires. 


Grace’s only pre-Katmere boyfriend. 


A friend of Grace’s from San Diego.