Jennette McCurdy

The author and narrator of I’m Glad My Mom Died and the co-star of two well-known Nickelodeon TV shows, iCarly and Sam & Cat. Jennette documents her troubled upbringing as a child actor and the daughter of an abusive parent, laying bare her struggles with eating disorders, alcohol abuse, and unhealthy relationships.

Read an in-depth analysis of Jennette McCurdy.

Debra McCurdy/Mom

Jennette’s controlling and abusive mother, a hoarder, and a breast cancer survivor. Mom seeks to realize her thwarted acting ambitions by forcing her daughter into the life she herself once dreamed of. She regards managing Jennette’s acting career as her job.

Read an in-depth analysis of Debra McCurdy.

The Creator

A producer at Nickelodeon with power over Jennette’s professional life. Jeannette describes the Creator using his position of authority to manipulate child actors in inappropriate ways.

Read an in-depth analysis of the Creator.

Mark McCurdy/Dad

The man Jennette assumes to be her father who makes cardboard cutouts for Hollywood Video and works in the kitchen design department at Home Depot. Dad is an uninvolved parent and sometimes the victim of abuse by Mom. Dad disrupts Jennette’s life by revealing to her that he is not her biological father.


Debra McCurdy’s father, who lives in the McCurdy household and is a ticket-taker at Disneyland. A kind and trustworthy figure in Jennette’s life, Grandpa is the only adult in Jennette’s family to notice when she shows signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder. He also expresses concern that she is missing out on her childhood because she’s forced to work as an actor.


Debra McCurdy’s mother, who lives in the McCurdy household and works as a receptionist at a retirement home. Jennette has a difficult relationship with Grandma, who is unpredictable and intense and whose favorite hobbies are gossiping, getting perms, and complaining. After Mom’s death, Jennette blocks Grandma on her phone.

Miranda Cosgrove

Jennette’s first real friend and a co-star in iCarly. Miranda fascinates Jennette with her seeming independence and coolness. Shy and quiet in person, Miranda reveals her hilarious personality when the two communicate online. Miranda and Jennette remain close even after iCarly ends.


Jennette’s first boyfriend and a coworker at Nickelodeon. Older than Jennette and a heavy drinker, Joe breaks up with his longtime girlfriend to be with Jennette, despite their age difference and Jennette’s inexperience with relationships. Tabloid photos of the couple cause a rift between Jennette and Mom.

Ariana Grande

Jennette’s co-star on the Nickelodeon show, Sam & Cat, and a burgeoning pop star who misses work regularly to sing at award shows and record new music. Jennette envies Ariana for growing up in a wealthy town with a healthy mother. Jennette also resents the fact that Ariana’s career is on the upswing while Jennette’s is on the downswing.


An assistant director of Jennette’s TV show who becomes her boyfriend. Steven prompts Jennette to seek therapy for her bulimia. He is later diagnosed with schizophrenia and becomes a marijuana addict.


The therapist/life coach who reveals to Jennette that Mom abused her by condoning and encouraging her anorexia. In doing so, she triggers resistance in Jennette, who decides to discontinue therapy.


An eating disorder specialist who helps Jennette deal with her bulimia as well as her alcohol addiction and other personal problems.