The high priestess of the temple of Melitele, Nenneke is a powerful woman with political and spiritual influence. She and Geralt have been friends for a long time, and she uses her healing expertise to treat his wounds. Direct and strong-headed, Nenneke is a formidable presence in the book. She has a soft spot for Geralt and is more permissive with him than she is with others. She offers Geralt protection, council, and her expert healing while he stays at Melitele’s temple. Her intelligence stands out among the characters as she adeptly debates Geralt on a number of topics while also advising him on matters of herbalism, magic, and religion. Nenneke is an unconventional mentor to Geralt, and her presence in the “Voice of Reason” sections suggests that she serves as Geralt’s own voice of reason. While not necessarily a moral advisor, she helps him see different perspectives, despite his own rigid worldview.