Chapter 3

Summary: Chapter 3

As the fall term nears its end, Richard wonders what he will do over winter break when the dorms close, while Henry and Bunny plan a vacation to Italy. Though Francis and the twins each invite Richard to stay with them, he cannot tell them that he needs to earn money over the break. Richard decides to stay at Hampden, where he can continue working for Dr. Roland and live in a warehouse owned by a hippie who allows Hampden students to stay there for free. Richard bids his friends farewell, not telling them of the nature of his accommodations, before moving his belongings to the warehouse on foot. He arrives to find that his room has a giant hole in the ceiling. Richard wakes up early and walks to campus, where he spends all day either in Dr. Roland’s office or the Commons before heading back to the warehouse to sleep on the floor of the freezing room. 

Throughout the break, Richard exchanges letters with his friends, but he does not answer their questions about where he is staying. Richard becomes ill and depressed from his living conditions. One night, walking back to the warehouse, Richard falls into the snow and hits his forehead. When he makes it back to the warehouse, Henry is waiting for him. Henry takes Richard to the hospital, where he is diagnosed with pneumonia and chronic hypothermia. Richard stays in the hospital for four nights, and Henry stays with him most of the time. When Richard is discharged, Henry insists Richard stay with him until the next term starts. During that time, Richard learns that Henry left Rome before Bunny did, though Henry paid their rent through February. The weekend before school starts, Bunny comes to see Henry and is surprised to find Richard there. Once Henry returns, he lies to Bunny about where he has been. Bunny makes remarks about Henry trying to clear his conscience by helping Richard and going into town to see a lawyer. Henry lies to Bunny again to get him to leave. That night, Henry and Richard hear someone banging on the door, but they do not answer. The next day, Francis comes by, and Richard overhears him arguing with Henry. After Francis leaves, Henry asks Richard to call Bunny and ask him to come over. Richard does so after he can get back into his dorm room.

Analysis: Chapter 3

Over winter break, Richard’s pride and his attempt to hide his true background nearly cause him to die, showing just how desperate he is to be perceived as belonging to the same upper social class as his peers. Though Richard could have had a safe place to live simply by being honest with his friends, he is more concerned with them seeing him as poor than with safeguarding his health. While Richard was preoccupied with beauty and status before he arrived at Hampden College, spending time with his new friends has only amplified what he knows is his flaw of desiring what is attractive. Especially when seeing how privileged Henry, Francis, and the twins are in how they spend their breaks, Richard does not want them to see him as beneath them, for fear of losing his status as one of them.

In this chapter, the potential dangers of secrets are shown as both Richard and his friends keep secrets from each other. By keeping his living accommodations secret from absolutely everyone, Richard puts himself in danger. However, he is beginning to realize that there are secrets between his friends as well, and these secrets are escalating tensions in the group. The mystery of what happened between Bunny and Henry in Italy, as well as Bunny’s cryptic remarks to Henry when he returns, shows that something is festering between them. For the first time, Henry seems more allied with Richard than with Bunny. Richard also observes an issue between Henry and Francis, revealing that whatever has happened in the group goes beyond the trip to Italy. However, for the moment, Richard seems content to stay out of the drama involving his classmates’ secrets. 

Although Richard and the others are not completely honest with each other, their friendship is shown when Richard is truly in trouble. The fact that Henry goes out of his way to find Richard, who has made every effort to hide his location, suggests that Henry does truly care about him. Henry’s concern is also evident in how he stays with Richard in the hospital and then makes sure Richard comes with him to his apartment instead of returning to the warehouse. In Henry, Richard finally seems to have the kind of friend he wanted at the beginning of the fall semester. However, the tensions between Henry and the others suggest that Henry’s friendship is not always so benign. Readers might wonder if Henry has ulterior motives for befriending Richard.