That’s neat. Livin’ out here with no parents to tell ya what to do.

Chase’s unthinking response to seeing the home where Kya lives alone not only exposes his lack of empathy but also his privileged station in life. Chase grew up in a wealthy family where he was afforded every opportunity, but also where he was expected to fulfill certain expectations, like excelling in athletics and marrying well. For Chase, Kya’s absent parents represent freedom from expectation and the ability to live his profligate lifestyle without consequence. He cannot even begin to fathom the emotional pain and physical danger that Kya endured as a result of her abandonment.

“All ya need to know is when and where the fish bite, and I can tell ya that,” he said.

When Kya attempts to share some of her knowledge of the marsh with Chase, he tells her that the only thing she needs to know is where to find the fish. Although Chase is joking, his flippant statement shows that he can’t see the marsh as Kya does. When Kya speaks about her love for the marsh, Chase is uninterested and changes the subject. Unlike Kya, who appreciates the marsh for its beauty and its intricate ecology of flora and fauna, Chase only appreciates the marsh for what he can take from it, suggesting that his values and personality are completely at odds with Kya’s.

Hey, I said I’m sorry. Ya knew we couldn’t get married. Ya never coulda lived near town. But I always cared about ya; I stayed by ya.

Chase is unable to admit just how hurtful his actions were to Kya. He knows from earlier discussions that she wanted to meet his family, accompany him to social events, and be introduced to his world. Chase promised that he would eventually do these things with her, but continuously made excuses. When the truth of his engagement comes out, it becomes clear that he was always lying about his intentions with Kya, and that she was simply his lover on the side. He never intended to integrate the marsh girl into his high society life, and he tries to manipulate her into believing that she knew this all along.