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By oon assent, wher-as us thinketh best.’ That oon of hem the cut broughte in his fest, And bad hem drawe, and loke wher it wol falle; And it fil on the yongeste of hem alle; And forth toward the toun he wente anon. And al-so sone as that he was gon, That oon of hem spak thus unto that other, ‘Thou knowest wel thou art my sworne brother, Thy profit wol I telle thee anon. Thou woost wel that our felawe is agon; And heer is gold, and that ful greet plentee, That shal departed been among us three. But natheles, if I can shape it so That it departed were among us two, Hadde I nat doon a freendes torn to thee?’ By oon assent, wher-as us thinketh best.’ That oon of hem the cut broughte in his fest, And bad hem drawe, and loke wher it wol falle; And it fil on the yongeste of hem alle; And forth toward the toun he wente anon. And al-so sone as that he was gon, That oon of hem spak thus unto that other, ‘Thou knowest wel thou art my sworne brother, Thy profit wol I telle thee anon. Thou woost wel that our felawe is agon; And heer is gold, and that ful greet plentee, That shal departed been among us three. But natheles, if I can shape it so That it departed were among us two, Hadde I nat doon a freendes torn to thee?’
That other answerde, ‘I noot how that may be; He woot how that the gold is with us tweye, What shal we doon, what shal we to him seye?’ That other answerde, ‘I noot how that may be; He woot how that the gold is with us tweye, What shal we doon, what shal we to him seye?’
‘Shal it be conseil?’ seyde the firste shrewe, ‘And I shal tellen thee, in wordes fewe, What we shal doon, and bringe it wel aboute.’ ‘Shal it be conseil?’ seyde the firste shrewe, ‘And I shal tellen thee, in wordes fewe, What we shal doon, and bringe it wel aboute.’
‘I graunte,’ quod that other, ‘out of doute, That, by my trouthe, I wol thee nat biwreye.’ ‘I graunte,’ quod that other, ‘out of doute, That, by my trouthe, I wol thee nat biwreye.’

Original Text

Modern Text

By oon assent, wher-as us thinketh best.’ That oon of hem the cut broughte in his fest, And bad hem drawe, and loke wher it wol falle; And it fil on the yongeste of hem alle; And forth toward the toun he wente anon. And al-so sone as that he was gon, That oon of hem spak thus unto that other, ‘Thou knowest wel thou art my sworne brother, Thy profit wol I telle thee anon. Thou woost wel that our felawe is agon; And heer is gold, and that ful greet plentee, That shal departed been among us three. But natheles, if I can shape it so That it departed were among us two, Hadde I nat doon a freendes torn to thee?’ By oon assent, wher-as us thinketh best.’ That oon of hem the cut broughte in his fest, And bad hem drawe, and loke wher it wol falle; And it fil on the yongeste of hem alle; And forth toward the toun he wente anon. And al-so sone as that he was gon, That oon of hem spak thus unto that other, ‘Thou knowest wel thou art my sworne brother, Thy profit wol I telle thee anon. Thou woost wel that our felawe is agon; And heer is gold, and that ful greet plentee, That shal departed been among us three. But natheles, if I can shape it so That it departed were among us two, Hadde I nat doon a freendes torn to thee?’
That other answerde, ‘I noot how that may be; He woot how that the gold is with us tweye, What shal we doon, what shal we to him seye?’ That other answerde, ‘I noot how that may be; He woot how that the gold is with us tweye, What shal we doon, what shal we to him seye?’
‘Shal it be conseil?’ seyde the firste shrewe, ‘And I shal tellen thee, in wordes fewe, What we shal doon, and bringe it wel aboute.’ ‘Shal it be conseil?’ seyde the firste shrewe, ‘And I shal tellen thee, in wordes fewe, What we shal doon, and bringe it wel aboute.’
‘I graunte,’ quod that other, ‘out of doute, That, by my trouthe, I wol thee nat biwreye.’ ‘I graunte,’ quod that other, ‘out of doute, That, by my trouthe, I wol thee nat biwreye.’