
The protagonist and narrator. Ted is the chronicler of the torments the group endures and the reader’s window into the hellscape in which they exist. Ted claims to be the only one in the group whom AM has not driven insane, although there are moments that suggest that this claim might not be true.

Read an in-depth analysis of Ted.


A god-like supercomputer that has destroyed the world and the antagonist of the story. AM is a sentient artificial intelligence that is furious with humanity for creating it without the ability to act on its “thoughts.” AM seemingly has the ability to create objects and tools for the humans, as well as generate hallucinations in the minds of its victims.

Read an in-depth analysis of AM.


The only woman in the group. Ellen makes herself available to the sexual whims of the men, and she also acts as a caregiver. 


One of the other men in the group. Gorrister was a former conscientious objector and political activist, now rendered apathetic by AM. 


Another man in the group. A former college professor, AM drove Benny insane, while rearranging his face to resemble an ape. 


Another man in the group. His visions spur the characters on the journey that drives the narrative.