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20 Pieces of Life Advice From Luna Lovegood

“The girl gave off an aura of distinct dottiness. Perhaps it was the fact that she had stuck her wand behind her left ear for safekeeping, or that she had chosen to wear a necklace of Butterbeer caps, or that she was reading a magazine upside down.”
—Harry Potter’s first impression of Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

Is that the description of a crazy eccentric or a genius life advisor? I’m going to say it’s a little bit of both. Maybe Luna Lovegood seems odd to some people, but I find the ~unique~ way she carries herself to be quite inspiring. You do you; Luna will do Luna.

Frankly, I could use a peek through Luna’s spectrespecs on some of my own issues. The girl is steady as a rock through everything that goes down at Hogwarts, and would clearly give solid counsel. Lucky for you, I’ve pooled the best Luna wisdom on how to deal with life’s frustrations.

  1. When meeting a potential significant other, grab their wrist and make sure your pulses naturally sync up.
  2. Can’t figure out what to wear? Let the clothes choose you.
  3. If you feel yourself in need of a vacation, visualize your dream destination while you make bread from scratch. Close your eyes while you eat the enchanted loaf and your soul will astral-project to your chosen vacation-haven.
  4. Can’t find your car in a ginormous parking lot? Open your third eye and look with perfect vision.
  5. If someone isn’t into you, don’t worry about it. We are all on a very big ferris wheel, and they will probably come around eventually.
  6. If you’re struggling in class, place the textbook next to your heart and let the two chat for a bit. Before you know it, you will have absorbed all the information and made a new friend.
  7. In need of a laugh? Rub a smooth river rock over your mouth and you’ll be giggling like a babbling brook in no time.
  8. If you find yourself standing on your lonesome on an issue, remember that most people wouldn’t know a Crumple-Horned Snorcrack if it bit them on the bum.
  9. Don’t know what to do when you’re in the middle of a fight with your best friend? Create white noise to diffuse the situation by hissing.
  10. When deciding what to eat for lunch, pick the food items that are vibrating on the highest frequency.
  11. No date to prom? Bring your spirit animal.
  12. Parents say you need to clean your room? Explain that all the clothes on the floor are strategically placed in order to balance the energy of the “familial foundation.”
  13. When searching for a job, make sure you consider the aura of the building.
  14. Having trouble deciding between two options? Walk into the woods. Find a tree that really speaks to you. Lie at its base, face up. If a leaf falls to the left of your face it means one choice, if it falls to the right, the other.
  15. When picking a college, make sure your advisor’s eyes match the color of your favorite crystal.
  16. If you miss someone terribly, remember that the veil will lift one day.
  17. Find yourself worried about the big game? Use your psychic powers to secure the favorable outcome.
  18. At a party and have no one talk to? Approach the sad ghost in the corner everyone is ignoring and ask them to tell you their favorite animal fact.

Is Luna a fount of wisdom in your book?