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9 Things You Should Never Give Up On

Some things in life are worth giving up on, like that silent treatment you’ve been giving your sister ever since she did…that she did three weeks ago… Whatever, you’re pretty sure it was really bad! Nevertheless, things like grudges, bucket hats, and making “fetch” happen are better relegated to Phase History. But as you’re deciding which bad habits to give up for the new year, keep in mind these nine things you should never, ever give up on.

9. Fighting for the Underdog

Hermione’s friends ignored or made fun of her efforts when she first founded S.P.E.W. to fight for the rights of house elves, but she didn’t back down in the face of ridicule or resistance.

8. A Movie Adaptation Getting it Right

Maybe it hasn’t happened for you yet, but the next time one of your favorite books becomes a movie, perhaps your favorite characters will be cast well and your favorite scene won’t be cut.

7. Your Creative Outlet

Yeah, maybe you’ll never be a famous artist or a rockstar, but if sketching or playing guitar makes you glad to be alive, then you should always make time for it. Don’t let anyone tell you an activity that makes you happy is a waste of time.

6. Perfecting Your British Accent

You will get it right one of these days, and until then you can just ignore the haters who ask, “Is that supposed to be Russian?”

5. Humankind

People are great, and even the ones who behave like butts have the potential to change. Plus, the internet is nothing if not a repository of lists of things that will restore your faith in humanity! So next time you find yourself threatening to fire humanity, remember all those townspeople that organize birthday parties for kids who otherwise would not have had birthday parties. And also remember Draco Malfoy. He got there eventually.

4. Food You Drop

Why limit yourself to the five second rule? If you can still tell what type of food you dropped, it’s okay to eat. Help yourself to the Sour Patch Kid you found behind the couch; you deserve a treat.

3. Being Kind

Sometimes, being a good person can seem like a waste of time when no one is returning the favor. Being kind is its own reward, however. You’ll be able to know you’re doing your best. To quote the eternally wise George Saunders, “What I regret most in my life are failures of kindness.”

2. Getting a Full Night’s Sleep

Nothing—not essays or air travel—can come between you and your true love, sleep. Sleep has always been there to turn your bad moods around, so why spend even one night apart?

1. Yourself

Sometimes growing up means you stop believing in certain people, like Santa. One person you should continue to believe in, no matter how old you get, is yourself. After all, you’re going to be with you for your whole life. So give yourself the benefit of the doubt!

Anything you’d add to the list?