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Quiz: Are You Too Nice?

Everybody (or non-Death Eaters, anyway) wants to be nice. Having a reputation as a kind, considerate person confers all kinds of advantages. But nobody wants to be a doormat, and have their goodness taken advantage of. Walking the line between assertive and kind can be tough; take this quiz and find out where you fall!

1. Your friend shows up to school distraught because they didn’t finish last night’s assignment. You:

A. Let them start feverishly copying your paper, and hope the teacher doesn’t notice how similar they are.

B. Find a quiet corner and try to teach them the information.

C. Say, “Awww, that sucks!” and go back to reading fan fic.

2. A person for whom you have no romantic feelings asks you out. You:

A. Agree to go on a date, and then a second date, and then accept their proposal of marriage. Pray you are rewarded in the afterlife.

B. Say you are flattered, but you don’t want to ruin your friendship (even if you’re not really friends).

C. “New phone. Who dis?” you say out loud and to their face.

3. Your usual strategy for public transportation is:

A. You will not sit until EVERYONE ELSE has a seat. You’re building calf muscles and karmic points.

B. You will give up your seat for the elderly, pregnant, and disabled. Everyone else can fend for themselves.

C. You are entitled to a seat. And your bag in entitled to another seat. And you will pretend to have a contagious illness if anyone attempts to challenge your right.

4. How often do you screen you family members’ calls?

A. I didn’t even know that was an option.

B. Only if I’m on a date or in the bathroom.

C. Pretty much always. If they really loved me they would text.

5. Your friend is hard up for money and asks you for a loan. What do you do?

A. Loan, schmoan! You hand them the money and insist it is a “gift.”

B. Have a serious talk about setting up a payment schedule in order to maintain trust and boundaries.

C. Double the going interest rate and take their Xbox as collateral.

6. A stranger hits your bumper at a stoplight. You:

A. Assure them you weren’t attached to the back half of your car anyway, and allow them to drive away without getting their information.

B. Politely assure them you aren’t mad, while still encouraging them to admit that it was their fault.

C. Scream “WHIPLASH” and thank your lucky stars. You are about to get riiiiiiich. #Americandream

7. How often do you give money to the homeless?

A. I’ve been known to give my literal last dime.

B. I give what I can, when I can. Sometimes it’s a dollar, sometimes, a box of leftovers, sometimes a smile.


8. You see an old lady struggling to reach a shelf at the grocery store. You:

A. Help her.

B. Help her.

C. Help her! (I’m not a monster!)

9. Your SO’s parents make a meal that goes against your dietary restrictions. You:

A. Eat it and accept the inevitable digestive/spiritual consequences as the cost of love.

B. Load up on whatever you can eat and maybe sneak out for french fries afterward.

C. Upend the table, Real Housewives style.

10. This quiz is:

A. Genius

B. Pretty Good

C. Garbage. It’s garbage.

You got:

Mostly As: Oof, you’re so sweet you cause cavities! Look, it’s rad that you care about other people’s feelings, but don’t forget that yours are just as valid! It’s cool to be a Hufflepuff; it’s less cool to be a house elf.

Mostly Bs: Well look at you, walking the line between caring for others and caring for yourself! You didn’t just pick those answers because they seemed “right,” right?

Mostly Cs: So, there’s nothing wrong with looking our for number one, but there’s also no reason to act like number two. Selfishness might be a good short term strategy, but the day will come when you need help, and you want to make sure there are still people around to give it.

How’d you do? Do you ever worry that you’re too nice?