As a young girl, Cora Lee was obsessed with the newness and freshness of baby dolls, and every year she demanded a new one from her family for Christmas. Cora’s fascination with dolls gradually becomes a fascination and obsession with babies of her own. As an adult, Cora is the mother of several children, all of whom she neglects when they are no longer infants. Cora’s obsession with babies, and her inability to care for them as children, speaks to a larger idea: Cora is unable to face the reality and hardship that comes with children growing up. She wants only the dependency, need, and affection a baby can offer. The harder relationships in life, the ones that demand patience, sacrifice, and compromise, are beyond her capabilities. In this regard, Cora bears a striking resemblance to Butch Fuller, who had a similar perspective toward women, and Eugene, who, when faced with the difficulties of having a family, chooses immediately to leave.