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Original Text

Modern Text

Lo, here the wyse king, dan Salomon; I trowe he hadde wyves mo than oon; As, wolde God, it leveful were to me To be refresshed half so ofte as he! Which yifte of God hadde he for alle his wyvis! No man hath swich, that in this world alyve is. God woot, this noble king, as to my wit, The firste night had many a mery fit With ech of hem, so wel was him on lyve! Blessed be God that I have wedded fyve! Welcome the sixte, whan that ever he shal. For sothe, I wol nat kepe me chast in al; Whan myn housbond is fro the world y-gon, Som Cristen man shal wedde me anon; For thanne thapostle seith, that I am free To wedde, a Goddes half, wher it lyketh me. He seith that to be wedded is no sinne; Bet is to be wedded than to brinne. What rekketh me, thogh folk seye vileinye Of shrewed Lameth and his bigamye? I woot wel Abraham was an holy man, And Iacob eek, as ferforth as I can; And ech of hem hadde wyves mo than two; And many another holy man also. Whan saugh ye ever, in any maner age, That hye God defended mariage By expres word? I pray you, telleth me; Or wher comanded he virginitee? I woot as wel as ye, it is no drede, Thapostel, whan he speketh of maydenhede; He seyde, that precept ther-of hadde he noon. Men may conseille a womman to been oon, But conseilling is no comandement; He putte it in our owene Iugement. For hadde God comanded maydenhede, Thanne hadde he dampned wedding with the dede; And certes, if ther were no seed y-sowe, Virginitee, wher-of than sholde it growe? Poul dorste nat comanden atte leste A thing of which his maister yaf noon heste. The dart is set up for virginitee; Cacche who so may, who renneth best lat see. Lo, here the wyse king, dan Salomon; I trowe he hadde wyves mo than oon; As, wolde God, it leveful were to me To be refresshed half so ofte as he! Which yifte of God hadde he for alle his wyvis! No man hath swich, that in this world alyve is. God woot, this noble king, as to my wit, The firste night had many a mery fit With ech of hem, so wel was him on lyve! Blessed be God that I have wedded fyve! Welcome the sixte, whan that ever he shal. For sothe, I wol nat kepe me chast in al; Whan myn housbond is fro the world y-gon, Som Cristen man shal wedde me anon; For thanne thapostle seith, that I am free To wedde, a Goddes half, wher it lyketh me. He seith that to be wedded is no sinne; Bet is to be wedded than to brinne. What rekketh me, thogh folk seye vileinye Of shrewed Lameth and his bigamye? I woot wel Abraham was an holy man, And Iacob eek, as ferforth as I can; And ech of hem hadde wyves mo than two; And many another holy man also. Whan saugh ye ever, in any maner age, That hye God defended mariage By expres word? I pray you, telleth me; Or wher comanded he virginitee? I woot as wel as ye, it is no drede, Thapostel, whan he speketh of maydenhede; He seyde, that precept ther-of hadde he noon. Men may conseille a womman to been oon, But conseilling is no comandement; He putte it in our owene Iugement. For hadde God comanded maydenhede, Thanne hadde he dampned wedding with the dede; And certes, if ther were no seed y-sowe, Virginitee, wher-of than sholde it growe? Poul dorste nat comanden atte leste A thing of which his maister yaf noon heste. The dart is set up for virginitee; Cacche who so may, who renneth best lat see.

Original Text

Modern Text

Lo, here the wyse king, dan Salomon; I trowe he hadde wyves mo than oon; As, wolde God, it leveful were to me To be refresshed half so ofte as he! Which yifte of God hadde he for alle his wyvis! No man hath swich, that in this world alyve is. God woot, this noble king, as to my wit, The firste night had many a mery fit With ech of hem, so wel was him on lyve! Blessed be God that I have wedded fyve! Welcome the sixte, whan that ever he shal. For sothe, I wol nat kepe me chast in al; Whan myn housbond is fro the world y-gon, Som Cristen man shal wedde me anon; For thanne thapostle seith, that I am free To wedde, a Goddes half, wher it lyketh me. He seith that to be wedded is no sinne; Bet is to be wedded than to brinne. What rekketh me, thogh folk seye vileinye Of shrewed Lameth and his bigamye? I woot wel Abraham was an holy man, And Iacob eek, as ferforth as I can; And ech of hem hadde wyves mo than two; And many another holy man also. Whan saugh ye ever, in any maner age, That hye God defended mariage By expres word? I pray you, telleth me; Or wher comanded he virginitee? I woot as wel as ye, it is no drede, Thapostel, whan he speketh of maydenhede; He seyde, that precept ther-of hadde he noon. Men may conseille a womman to been oon, But conseilling is no comandement; He putte it in our owene Iugement. For hadde God comanded maydenhede, Thanne hadde he dampned wedding with the dede; And certes, if ther were no seed y-sowe, Virginitee, wher-of than sholde it growe? Poul dorste nat comanden atte leste A thing of which his maister yaf noon heste. The dart is set up for virginitee; Cacche who so may, who renneth best lat see. Lo, here the wyse king, dan Salomon; I trowe he hadde wyves mo than oon; As, wolde God, it leveful were to me To be refresshed half so ofte as he! Which yifte of God hadde he for alle his wyvis! No man hath swich, that in this world alyve is. God woot, this noble king, as to my wit, The firste night had many a mery fit With ech of hem, so wel was him on lyve! Blessed be God that I have wedded fyve! Welcome the sixte, whan that ever he shal. For sothe, I wol nat kepe me chast in al; Whan myn housbond is fro the world y-gon, Som Cristen man shal wedde me anon; For thanne thapostle seith, that I am free To wedde, a Goddes half, wher it lyketh me. He seith that to be wedded is no sinne; Bet is to be wedded than to brinne. What rekketh me, thogh folk seye vileinye Of shrewed Lameth and his bigamye? I woot wel Abraham was an holy man, And Iacob eek, as ferforth as I can; And ech of hem hadde wyves mo than two; And many another holy man also. Whan saugh ye ever, in any maner age, That hye God defended mariage By expres word? I pray you, telleth me; Or wher comanded he virginitee? I woot as wel as ye, it is no drede, Thapostel, whan he speketh of maydenhede; He seyde, that precept ther-of hadde he noon. Men may conseille a womman to been oon, But conseilling is no comandement; He putte it in our owene Iugement. For hadde God comanded maydenhede, Thanne hadde he dampned wedding with the dede; And certes, if ther were no seed y-sowe, Virginitee, wher-of than sholde it growe? Poul dorste nat comanden atte leste A thing of which his maister yaf noon heste. The dart is set up for virginitee; Cacche who so may, who renneth best lat see.