In his Introduction, how does Foucault describe what's happening to the field of historical studies at the time he's writing?

List Foucault's four 'hypotheses' about discursive unity, and explain why each of them breaks down.

Explain the difference between subject and subject-position (enunciative position). What are some factors involved in the emergence of such positions?

Why is the statement 'neither visible nor hidden'? What does Foucault mean when he says that statements have 'the quasi-invisibility of the “there- is”'?

What is the difference between the 'regular' as it appears in the history of ideas and 'regularity' as it functions under Foucault's method?

What are the two general types of 'contradiction' in the history of discourse as understood by the history of ideas? How do these ideas of discursive contradiction differ from Foucault's?

Describe the place of knowledge as understood by archeological analysis.

What are some of the criticisms leveled at Foucault's project by his imaginary critic (in the Conclusion)? How does Foucault respond to them?

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