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Dystopian Novels Summed Up in a Single Dire Warning

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Dystopian novels ask us not to see the world as it is, but as it COULD be (you know, if things were just a little bit worse, and if everyone was constantly wearing beige and riding trains to nowhere).

Now, depending on your life choices, you may have already stumbled upon our previous posts in this series (including but not limited to Every Shakespeare Play Summed Up in a Single Sentence and Famous Playwrights Summed Up in a Single Stage Direction). But the hallmark of a good dystopia is that it leaves you feeling vaguely unsettled about the current state of the world, and with a lingering suspicion that this could happen to us if we’re not careful. So today we’ll be summing up a bunch of dystopian novels in a single dire warning of things to come. Enjoy, and beware.