"I'm an orphandworfan."

The Old Man wails these words to the Old Woman in a fit, which occurs in Part Two. His belief that he is an orphan—coupled with his infantile manner of expression—is evidence of his confusion over beginnings and endings. In his cyclical, repetitive world where the past is mostly inaccessible, beginnings and endings are conflated. Likewise, he is ninety-five years old, but he still believes he is a child. His regression and immaturity also speaks to his irresponsibility as he sloughs off adult commitments and becomes a crying infant. His nonsense word—"dworfan"—presages the Orator's nonsense words when delivering the Old Man's message. According to the existentialists, since the Old Man has taken no responsibility, his message will remain absurd and irrational, just as the word "dworfan" is similarly meaningless.