"Look at the world—and look at my TROUSERS."

Nagg says this in the tailor's voice as part of his story about the tailor and the customer (Part two). The story juxtaposes the horror of God's creation, the world, with the beauty of man's creation, the trousers. The earth is given a hard time in Endgame; Hamm frequently says there's no cure for being on it, he compares it to hell, and the landscape is battered, gray, and lifeless. The story is also about delays and repetitions (the tailor keeps putting off the man's order), another major theme of the play. Finally, Nagg switches between four voices in the story (himself, the narration, the tailor, and customer), just as Hamm essentially controls himself and the three other characters in the play. Nagg's acting emphasizes the self-consciousness of Beckett's play, a feature of the experimental Theatre of the Absurd.