Elmire, Orgon’s second wife, is younger and more sociable than her wealthy husband but older and more mature than Damis and Mariane, Orgon’s son and daughter by his first wife. Elmire is fond of her stepchildren and shares their interests and amusements. Elmire enjoys spending Orgon’s money, dressing in beautiful clothes and entertaining large crowds. She is a good woman, polite to Orgon’s mother, careful to stroke Orgon’s ego, and anxious to save Orgon and his family from scandal.

Elmire’s turn in the spotlight happens after Orgon orders his daughter, Mariane, to marry Tartuffe. Aware that Tartuffe is attracted to her, Elmire takes advantage of his interest to plead Mariane’s cause. Elmire then has to defend her virtue against Tartuffe’s aggression. Later, Elmire stages a fake seduction of Tartuffe in order to convince Orgon that Tartuffe the imposter is no saint. Since she knows Orgon is a hidden witness to her set-up, Elmire also uses her fake seduction to remind him of the love and affection he’s been missing.

Elmire regains Orgon’s love and loyalty by exposing Tartuffe. Unfortunately, she acts without knowing how strong Tartuffe’s hold over Orgon really is. Elmire endures disaster along with Orgon as Tartuffe accomplishes her family’s ruin. Ultimately, however, she rejoices in her family’s new security when the King restores her husband’s property and honor.