Yunior, who is the novel’s primary narrator, belongs to the immigrant Dominican community in New Jersey. As the novel’s narrator, Yunior has a distinctive voice that ranges from irreverent to sophisticated. His writing includes a wide array of “low-brow” references to science fiction and fantasy as well as “high-brow” references to important figures in Caribbean literature, like Aimé Césaire and Édouard Glissant. The divide between “low” and “high” in Yunior’s narrative voice reflects the two distinct sides of his character. His public persona is that of a macho, womanizing jock. He sees his charisma and swagger as an expression of his Dominican masculinity, yet his commitment to this identity also leaves him with little capacity for fidelity. By contrast, Yunior’s more private persona is that of an artist, a creative writer. Whereas he has trouble committing to women, he remains committed to his writing. Throughout the novel, Yunior struggles to identify what he wants in life. He made many mistakes in his personal relationships, especially in those with Oscar and Lola. Now he seeks some kind of redemption through writing. The act of telling their family’s story serves as a kind of “counterspell” against his past wrongs.