
Coming-of-age tale; love story

Point of View

Will narrates in the first person, commenting on the events and people in the story.


Will’s tone is youthful, exuberant, innocent, and colloquial.




Cold Sassy, Georgia, in 1906 and 1907, although Will is telling the story years later in 1914


In Chapter 46, Will’s hope that something bad will happen to Hosie and his comment that it happens to Rucker instead hints at the illness that strikes Rucker and his death shortly thereafter.

Major Conflict

Rucker Blakeslee and his new bride, Miss Love Simpson, attempt to live happily and ignore the town’s and the Blakeslee family’s general condemnation of their union. Will struggles to grow up and maintain his integrity.

Rising Action

Rucker announces his marriage to Miss Love; Rucker and Miss Love go to New York City; Will loses Lightfoot to Hosie Roach


Rucker reveals his love to Miss Love; she reveals that her father raped her

Falling Action

Rucker and Miss Love enjoy their newfound love; Rucker hires Hosie; Will understands the love between Rucker and Miss love