On that last day of February 2008 I was in the kitchen when we heard an enormous blast. It was ear-shatteringly loud and obviously close by. As we always did, we called to each other to make sure we were all safe. “Khaista, pisho, bhabi, Khushal, Atal!"

In Chapter 11, Malala uses unemotional language to describe a bombing, emphasizing how much her family had adapted to living in constant terror by 2008. After the Taliban took over Swat Valley in 2007, the army arrived to push them out of the area in a military occupation that lasted more than a year and brought intense violence and uncertainty to Malala’s once-peaceful homeland. Facing their own mortality becomes so common that Malala’s family develops a protocol to follow when a bomb detonates near their home, showing how much life has changed from the past.